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  • Dedicated to All my fabulous Leggylovers


Well everyone this is it! I hope you enjoy!

As I overlooked the neverending woods that surround me I thought of what has happened in the past couple of years. I met my literal prince charming, ran away, saved my prince charming from my evil father, met my brother, lost both brothers and my best friend, and I am now living in Thranduil's caverns. Not many elves say they did do that in such a short time, but I guarantee I'm not like any other elf.

After Linelle died of a broken heart, I went into major depression. I couldn't pull myself out no matter what I did. I closed myself off from the rest of the world, locking myself away while trying to figure out what to do with myself. Legolas got annoyed and tried to break into my room, since I locked all the doors and windows. After a couple days he managed to get into a vent and climb into my room that way. That sneaky elf. Him with the help of Thranduil brought me back onto my feet.

Thranduil and I also got over our hatred for each other. I don't exactly know how it happened but he's really sweet and I can always talk to him when I need something. He's like the father I never had. I didn't think I would ever be able to have any kind of relationship with him, but people change.

As for me and Legolas' relationship... we are a happy couple. No not married, we have been courting for a year and a half now. I'm the happiest elleth alive let me tell you. He always wakes me up in the morning with a kiss and does little things to make me smile. What more can I ask for?

Ayla (the girl Eda saved earlier in the book) and I have become the best of friends. We are attached at the hip and do everything together. Sometimes I miss my brother and Linelle, but I know they are happy together and safe.

I lean against the railing and let the cool breeze blow through my long hair wondering what life will bring my way next.


I stand at the caverns entrance watching my prince get on his white horse, dressed in his armour. Two elves accompanying him get on their own, then the guards arrive all ready to leave. There are tears in my eyes and my heart is pulling me towards him. But this is what I signed up for, I knew that he would have to leave for long periods of time at some point.

Let me explain, Sauron the evil king of Mordor is seeking the ring of power. Lord Elrond has called for a secret meeting in Rivendell, and Legolas is going to represent us elves in Mirkwood. Leaving me without him for an unknown amount of time.

He saw me out of the corner of his eye and smiled, giving me a small wave. I waved back giving him the best smile is could manage. How could I be happy? He is leaving.

Ayla stood next to me, knowing that this would be a hard time for me., and soon Thranduil stood at my other side. They didn't want me to go back into depression.

He leaned over, "he will be back soon Eda, nothing on this earth can keep you two apart." I nodded and smiled. He knows first hand that nothing can keep us apart.

The men checked a few more things and then all jumped on their horses, Legolas leading them. He looked back one more time directly at me. He stared at me for minute it was like his promise, his promise that he would come back.

Then he turned around and told his men "we are moving out!" The horses slowly went into a trot and eventually made it up to full speed. He started to get after and farther away.

I can't let this happen.

I started to run, fast.

I heard Ayla behind me trying to catch up to my fast pace. "Eda come back!" she yelled.

"I can't let him leave me Ayla!" I scream back.

I keep running but the figures in the distance keep getting farther and farther away.

"Legolas!"I scream. But I get no reply. He's gone.

I stop running and just stand in the middle of the path, breathing heavily. Finally Ayla catches up to me.

"Eda what's wrong?" Alya says while trying to catch her breath.

"He's gone Ayla," I say quietly.

"But he's going to come back Eda, we already went over this," she says like it's the most obvious thing is the world.

"But you don't understand," I weakly tell her.

"What don't I understand, Eda?" She asks.

"He can't leave Ayla, he stole my heart."


Info about the closing of the book is going to be out tomorrow! Keep an eye out for it!

Tell me what you think of the ending, was it all worth it? I want your honest opinion!

Thanks again

Don't forget...




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