Bonus chapter 4 - No Funny Business

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Bonus chapter 4 - No Funny Business

Please read AN at the end!

*Not edited

I walked into my bedroom and shut the door, after a long day training I finally had some time to myself. I walked into the bathing room and stripped down and went into the steaming water. I sighed as the water hit my sore muscles. It felt so good.

"Eda are you in here?" I hear Legolas yell from outside the door.

"Bathing room," I yell back.

Footsteps come closer to the door and he walks in.

I roll my head back and look at him, "what do you want?" I ask not in the mood for any of his games.

He smirks devilishly, "oh nothinggggg," he says way to innocently.

He starts to walk over to me, "don't even think about it your highness."

"Eda come on, I won't do anything I just want to bath with my wife."

I roll my eyes, "any funny business and your out."

He smiles and immediately takes off his shirt revealing his sculpted chest. His abs prominent and lickable. He see my eyes on him and smiles. "Like what you see Mrs.greenleaf?"

"Ahh I've seen better," I say.

He frowns and his eyes get dark, "who?" he says and takes out a dagger.

I laugh, "honey your way too gullable." his features relax and he smiles.

He unites his pants and let them fall to the ground, leaving him only in his underwear. He walks right over to me and pulls them down. Our eyes never break contact as he gets into the tub.l, he slowly starts to swim over to me.

"No funny business," I say, "so you sit over there," I say and point to the other side.

"But Edaaaa," he whines. I glare and he goes over and glares at me.

I lay my head back and close my eyes enjoying the heat. I open my eyes and see Legolas has gotten a little closer to me, as soon as he sees me he looks the other way and starts to whistle.

Every time I open my eyes he gets closer and closer. Before I know it I feel a hand on my inner thigh. "Legolas!" I snap.

"C'mon your my wife, this is what couples are supposed to do," he explains.

"Legolas," I warn as his hand moves higher and higher. "Legolas!"

I bolt up as much as I can and look around the room, I see Legolas leaning in the doorway smirking, "having dreams about me sweety?" he asks.

"Yeah dreams of you assaulting me, I can have you thrown in jail for that right?"

"Eda it's not assault if you love it," he say while walking over to me.

I try to sit up but fail. I hear Legolas chuckle. I try again and end up falling back. Legolas is over there giggling like a school girl.

"Legolas get over here now and help me!" I scream.

He rushes over to me and grabs my hands. "Ready mama?" he asks. I roll my eyes and he pulls me up. Sixty extra pounds will give you lots of trouble with simple tasks.

I sit on the edge of the bed and Legolas bends down to my stomach. "I can't wait to see my little baby," he coos and starts to rub my sides.

"Legolas the baby can't hear you," I say.

"Its funny because he only kicks when I'm around," he says proudly.

"Whatever you say Legolas, now help me get dressed." we went through my daily routine and by the end I was exhausted. I start making my way over to the bed.

But somebody beat me to it. The bastard took my spot on the bed, "wow did that wear me out," he said with a huff.

"Wore you out! I have to walk around with sixty extra pounds for nine months!" I yell.

"It can't be that bad," he says and closes his eyes.

Can't be that bad, I'll show him how bad it can't be. I stomp over and sit right on his stomach.

"Ow Eda get off of me!" Legolas says and tries to push me off. "Eda my lungs are collapsing!"

"How do you think I feel?" I ask. "Do you want me to kick you in your stomach too?"

"No no no no no! I'm good just  please get off sweet heart," he says while gasping for breath.

I slowly get off, his moaning and wheezing made me laugh. The rest of the day went on with me threatening to sit on Legolas again. Thranduil gave us the weirdest looks. Well everyone did.

Finally it wad the end of the day. Sleep!

I bathed and changed with the help of Legolas (not that he minded) and after brushing my hair started to walk towards the bed that was calling my name.

I was about to walk out of the bathroom when a searing pain went thought my stomch, I winced and leaned against the wall. "Eda are you ok?" I heard Legolas ask from the other room.

I couldn't answer because anothe pain hit me.

I hear Legolas make his way over the the bath room. At this point I was getting all my support from the wall. "Eda!" Legolas yelled once he saw me.

I then felt my water break, "the baby is coming."


"The baby Legolas!" he jumps into action picking me up and gently laying me on the bed.

"Its going to be okay Eda," he says and kisses my forehead, he them leaves the room the get the doctor.

Within minutes the caverns are in an uproar. Doctors are in and out of the rooms and so are some maids.

But the most important thing is that Legolas is by my side the whole time.

After seventeeb hours of labor I finally heard the word I'd been waiting for "push!"

And our little Prince was born.

I gave Legolas the choice of the name since I'm bad at that, he didn't tell me what he was thinking. When he told me our boys name I burst into tears.

"Farin Melui Greenleaf welcome to Middle Earth."


Okay guys I tried to update as soon as possible. It was all written on my phone so I'm sorry for all the mistakes.

I wanted to clarify something and that is the bath tub scene. Lots of you are probably wondering how big it is since Legolas was swimming in it. Well when you think about it Mirkwood is pretty much made up of caverns, everything is rock and there is a river, the further down into the caverns you go the the hotter the water.. And there was probably areas in the caverns were there was pockets of water. Big and small. Explaining the whole 'swimming in the bath tub thing.'

And secondly I wanted to let you know there is one more bonus chapter! I only planned five chapters and you flew through them!

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