Chapter 26 ~ The Last Time

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As I looked at the camp that seemed to stretch on for miles I realized something this was going to be a lot harder than I ever imagined. I looked at Melui and Linelle, the two people who would follow me to the end of this earth. Linelle is my best friend and she always has been, seeing her die would break my heart. And Melui, I might’ve just met him but he’s the best older brother I could ask for. I can’t take his life away from him.

“This is as far as you two go,” I tell them. They looked at me like in was crazy.

“Don’t give me that look,” I say.

“We wouldn’t give you the look if you didn’t say stupid things,” said my best friend.

“Guys we all know that one of us isn’t going to make it out of this, there are hundreds of them and three of us, we are outnumbered.”

“I didn’t notice,” Linelle muttered to nobody in particular.

I rolled my eyes, “you guys still have a life to live, I can’t take that away by sending you on a suicide mission.”

“It’s not a suicide mission,” Melui says.

“But it is and I don’t want you to go with me,” I say to them.

“Not going to happen Eda,” Melui says angrily, “I just found you I’m not going to lose you.”

“Melui maybe she’s right,” Linelle says quietly. What the heck is she doing, I thought to myself.

“What do you mean maybe she’s right? I know you’re her best friend but if she’s going in there alone then she is going to die!” he nearly yells.

“First of all don’t raise your voice at me Mr. Second of all this isn’t our fight. Farin is not our brother we have no say in what goes on.”

“But as her brother it’s my job to protect her!”

They kept arguing and then I realized what Linelle’s purpose was. She is distracting him. I grabbed Melui’s sword and made sure I had my knives on me. And silently I snuck away, out of sight out of mind.

Leggy’s POV

I walk in to Adan’s office he probably knows where Eda went, “Adan!” I called. His office seemed empty. I walked in and looked around; I had never been in his office before. Everything was dark, the curtains were black blocking all the light the chandelier made out of what looked like bones, but what really caught my attention was the drawing of Eda on his desk.

It was professionally done whoever drew it got every single feature correct. I lifted it up and saw all of her files; only my father had access the people’s files. I skimmed through everything. Why would he need this?

I kept going through the files on his desk discovering he has been keeping tabs on Eda, her friends, and even her family. Something’s not right here.

“Legolas,” Adan’s voice startles me.

“Adan I was looking for you,” I tell him.

He looks at the files I’ve been reading and then me, his eyes quickly dart to a fire place buried by book in the corner of the room. He looked a little relieved when he saw nothing was disturbed.

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