Bonus chapter 5 - Sweet Revenge

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Bonus chapter 5- Sweet Revenge


"Legolas wait up for me you stupid elf!" I yell at my husband who is riding ahead of me in Greenwood.

"Darling this is slow," he yells back.

"Slow I'll show you slow," I mutter before pushing my horse harder and speeding ahead of him. "Ha ha who's ahead now your majesty!" I yell and stick my tongue out.

He glares and tries to catch up, multiple times, and fails. We finally reach the falls that we've been looking for all day. Since Legolas apparently 'got lost.' Males and their navigation problems.

I jump off my horse and admire the beauty of the water, I can feel the mist hitting my face which is really refreshing.

I feel Legolas's  arms twist around my waist and I sigh, "still as beautiful as I st was a thousand years ago."

Legolas lays his head on my shoulder, "unlike you."

I turn around and punch him in the gut, "really? Did you have to ruin that perfect moment?" I yell.

"Love," he says while trying to regain his breath, "If you had let me finish you would've known I was about to say you only got more beautiful."

"Sure Legolas, keep making excuses."


"Nope I don't want to hear it!" I say.

I take my boots off and start to wade through the crystal clear water. "Legols, I'm going to enjoy myself and pretend your pretty face isn't here!" I exclaim.

"My face is pretty isn't it," he says and starts to follow me through the water.

"Get away Legolas!" I say as he starts to get closer, "Legolas!" I yell as I fall back onto him and into the water.

"My hair!" Legolas shrieks. "I mean... honey are you alright?"

I groan and stand up my clothes now soaked in water, I glare at hi and make my way back to shore putting my boots on. "Come on Legolas the children are probably waiting.

Since Farin we've had four kids, yes Legolas got the big family he's always wanted. Norion and Branion were born after him, five minutes apart from each other. Farin was so excited to be an older brother. Norion is one of the best warriors in the kingdom, he has this burning fiery passion for learning new ways to kill people. Branion on the other hand is totally opposite, he is inside reading all the books in the the library and learning new things from the nobles.

After them cam Orchallel, our only daughter. Legolas and the boys are very protective of her. She's very independent, always wanting to learn things on her own. She's also a very good problem solver, like her mother. Miloinir is our youngest son by many years, he was apparently a 'mistake' according to Legolas, he just wanted another kid. He's such a royal pain in my butt, literally. He friendly and very outgoing and always by my side, he tells me he wants to explore the world when he's older.

We have the perfect family. And soon it will expand, Farin plans to ask Nestor, the girl he's been courting for a long time, to marry him. It's so exciting.

"Eda follow me," Legolas says as he starts to ride off in a random direction.

"Legolas the caverns are in the other direction!"

"This is just a detour, trust me love."

I follow him through the woods of our kingdom, twisting and turning around stumps and rocks. "Look ahead Eda," he says.

I look up the path to see a redish glow everywhere. "What is it?" I ask.

"Go look," he says and nudges me with his foot. I get off my horse and pull her behind me. The glow was leaves, the scene looked magical with the red covering the path we were taking to the caverns. I could hear the trickle of of a river down the hill and the birds chirping over head.

"It gorgeous Legolas," I say with a gasp.

"Just like you my dear," he says from behind me. I stray from the horses and explore this beatiful place, with Legolas following from  behind me. "I found this place a couple weeks ago and thought you would like it," he explains.

"I love it," I say.

That's when the birds stopped chriping. We both paused. There was and snap from behind us, and we both drew our swords and quickly tunred.

"Put your weapons down your surrounded!"


*Nobody's POV

"Today we recognize the beatiful life our beloved king and queen had."

Everybody was gathered in black, tears in everybody's eyes, sorrow deep in their hearts. The royal family stands close to the coffins sitting in the front of the feild, Thranduil standing next to them.

"They lived a good life," the Elrond said. "They were happy, they had everything they had ever wanted." He paused and took a deep breath, trying to hold back his tears. "Both a them warriors in their hearts and souls, when they were together there was no stopping them. But they wouldn't want us to be sitting here mourning over their deaths. They died swords in hand for Greenwood,they died honorably!"

"They would want us to be stronger, they would want us to live peacfully.

Farin looked up his blue eyes ablaze, he would get revenge.

Sweet revenge.

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