Chapter 16 ~ Sacrifice (Leggys POV)

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Hey guys this will be the only update for a little while. I got finals coming up.


Legolas's POV

Weeks that's how long I've been searching for her. Three long weeks. After the bandit attack the throne room was nearly destroyed. And let me tell you, my father was nowhere near happy about this.

And the worst part is, the left without a trace. I have no idea how such a big group of people could get away without any signs at all. Its not even possible.

But that doesn't mean anything. I'll find Eda even if its the last thing I do.

''Sir we have been searching for days.'' Adan said to me. (If you don't remember Adan is the kings advisor.) Yes Adan came along on this adventure. Against my and his will of course. My father said 'there needs to be someone with common sense going with you Legolas.' So nows he's here suffering the most. This elf has never been out of Mirkwood and doesn't know what to expect.

''I know Adan but I won't stop searching for her. Who knows she could be getting tortured as we speak. I don't know how long she has to live! We have to find her.''

''Legolas she's just a common elf. She doesn't even have any ties to a noble family. She's not that important.''

I turned around and looked at my fathers advisor. When I rule I'll make sure to replace him immediately. ''You don't know her like I do! You have no right to say she's not important. Yes, she may be a common elf, but most of our kingdom is made of common elves. What do you think they would do if they heard you saying how unimportant that are?''

He started to fidget under my gaze. Everybody knows that I have a temper. Maybe not as bad as my father, but if you tick me off I will get angry and show my dark side.

''I'm sorry your majesty, but...''

''But what?'' I asked him.

''Maybe you should go about looking for her another way. Running around Rohan not even knowing of she's here is not beneficial at all.''

''So what do you suggest, Adan?''

''Well the bandits had plans to kidnap you, am I correct?''

''Yes they had plans to kidnap me.'' I answered him.

''Well after they kidnapped you they would have to keep you hostage somewhere, right?''

''Yes they would.''

''And the girl...''


''Eda gave you the plans or something like that right?''

''Yes she did.''

''So look over those and figure out where they were going to take you. Most likely they are going to take her to the same place. But you have to hurry sir, who's knows what could happen at this point.''

''I will do that Adan.'' I said as I started to walk away.

''Oh and sir?''

I turned around, '' Yeas Adan?''

''You might want to find out the language on the weapon she brought you. It might help you find out who these people are.''

I nodded my head and started to walk away, I'm coming Eda. Just hold on.

My group of 65 eleven warriors road through the plans of Rohan and the the edges of Mirkwood.

''Sir!'' Adan yelled riding over to me. ''From here we should head straight towards Lorien and then turn slightly North to head towards the Misty Mountains.''

''Thank you Adan. Let the men know that we take a short break at dusk.''

''Yes sir.''

After a couple more hours of riding my company came to a halt. When we attack these bandits I want to be at full strength.

I played my mat on the ground while others started campfires and rested. I laued down and looked at the stars wondering where Eda could be......

''Sir, Sir! Wake up!'' I heard Adan yelling.

I immediately sat up looking around for any sign of danger. ''Sir we saw the group of bandits riding towards the mountains! We have to leave now if you want to catch them!''

I jumped up and packed everything. My men were riding out as I got on my horse. And eventually I made it to the front of my group. Using my magnified elf eyesight I saw a group of riders heading towards the Misty Mountains. What are they up to?

We followed them to the base of the mountains, they left there horses and started climbing up.

''What are they doing?" Adan asked me.

''I have no idea.'' I said as I watched them climb higher and higher. They eventually stopped at a cliff like rock sticking off the side of the mountain. That's when I knew what they were doing.

''There going to drop her off the cliff!'' I yelled to my men.

Adan runs over to me. ''What do you want me to do sir?"

''Distract them while I climb up there.''

He nods and starts to try to talk to the bandits. I make my way over to the mountain and start to climb. The jagged rocks dig into my skin but I keep going. I can't stop now, I'm so close to having her in my arms again. I'm getting her back even if it means the death of me.

It takes me a couple minutes to get to the rock the men were on. I walk behind each man and silently stick a knife into their backs. And soon its just me, Eda, and the bandit that was holding her.

''Let her go!'' I yelled at him.

He turns around and laughs, ''now why would I do that boy?''

''Because I told you so! Now put her down!'' I commanded.

''How about we make a deal.'' He asks.

''What kind of deal you filth?''

''I give you the girl if you come with me. You can't struggle and your men can't follow us.''

''Will she stay safe?'' I asked.

''She won't have one scratch on her little body.'' He replied smirking.

''Don't do it Legolas.'' Eda said weakly.

I looked into her beautiful eyes. ''Eda I can't stand to see you hurt.''

''Your more important than me,'' she said. ''I couldn't live with myself if you were taken.'' She pleaded.

''Listen to the girl,'' Adan shouted up. ''Your father would kill me if I let them take you.''

I ignored Adans comment, ''Eda I can't let you die.''

''No Legolas!'' She screamed.

''You can take me." I said.

Two men came out from behind me and tied my arms. I looked up and still saw Eda in the mans arms. ''You said you would let her go!'' I yelled.

''Well I changed my mind.'' The man said smirking evilly. He started to walk Eda towards the cliff.

''Legolas I love you.'' I heard her say before she was thrown to her death. I could hear her bones crunching and cracking as she hit the rocks below.

They brought me to the edge to see her body. It was destroyed nobody will ever know it was her. I looked out to see Adan and all my men killed. All murdered.

''I love you too Eda.'' I said as a tear slipped down my cheek.




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