Chapter 27 ~ Perfect Doesn't Last

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Hello all you Leggylovers!

I want to start out and say sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! I keep telling all of you I will update on time and here I am doing exactly opposite of that!

You know when you just feel so miserable about life and all you want to do is lock yourself in a dark room reading fan fiction? Yeah that’s been me; the good ol’ Legster and me have been having many great adventures on Wattpad.

So yeah that’s why I haven’t been updating…

Well here is a new chapter for all you good people!

Chapter 27  ~ Perfect Doesn’t Last

I woke up to darkness surrounding me. I could tell I was in a tent because I could feel the breeze from the outside. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness then started to figure out where I was being held captive.

I look around to see boxes stacked up in one corner. A slit a little to my left seems to be the entrance to the tent, which by the way has a rancid smell.

I look across from me to see a lump. That’s all I can describe it as. A big unmoving lump of nothingness. Its close enough that I could reach it if I want tied up. I started to wiggle around in the chair I was tied to and eventually got my left foot loose. I slowly brought my foot to the mysterious lump and nudged it. Immediately pulling back my foot in case it could hurt me.

Nothing happened.

I slowly brought my foot up again and lightly kick it. Whatever it was it was slightly squishy. I kicked it over and over. My kicks getting harder and harder each time. Then I gave a powerful blow and the lump fell over. My eyes widened… oops.

I then heard a groan. I jump in surprise not expecting the noise. I start looking around frantically for the person who made the noise. It could’ve only come from one thing, the mysterious lump thing.

Its starts to move, it looks like its struggling. I call it Lumpy I decided.

I also started to wriggle around and after a lot of effort I got a hand loose and was able to untie myself. I stood up and walked over to a struggling Lumpy.

“Um Lumpy…” I say nervously. “If you stop struggling I could help you get loose.”

Immediately Lumpy stopped and I untied him or her. I decided that’s Lumpy was a human or an elf. Lumpy is way too tall to be a hobbit or dwarf and not slimy enough to be an orc or goblin.

I untie the gag around Lumpy’s mouth. Lumpy turns around and I come face to face with the blue eyes I fell in love with.

“Lumpy, really?” Legolas asked.

I giggled quietly and hugged him tight. “Legolas I missed you so much,” I mumbled into his shoulder.

Immediately his strong arms wrap round me and hold me close. We just sit there enjoying each other’s company. Then the events from the last couple of days come back to me, one in particular.  Without a trace.

I pull back knowing that us could never happen. Ever.

“How did you get here?” I asked him assuming I was still at my father’s camp.

“Adan was a rat the whole time,” Legolas said sadly, a look of betrayal in his eyes. “I thought I could trust him, my father thought he could trust him!” Legolas exclaimed.

“It’s okay,” I reassure him. “All these people plotting against you and your kingdom will be brought to justice,” I say.

We sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to really say to each other. “Eda?” Legolas asks.


“Why did you leave?” I felt my heart rip into more pieces.

“Legolas that’s not important,” I tell him.

“Yes Eda, it’s important to me,” he says looking at me.

“I shouldn’t be important to you,” I whisper.

“You will always be important to me,” he says putting his calloused hand on my cheek, “You’re the women I love, you will always be important.”

“No Legolas that can’t happen,” I say.

“Then I will make it happen,” he says before smashing his lips onto mine. I couldn’t keep up my act for much longer. I gave into the kiss, everything seemed perfect.

But everybody knows perfect doesn’t last.

“Well well well, what do we have here,” my father says looking down at us. Neither of us answers him.

“Now I can’t have any happiness in my camp now can I?”


Sorry for the short chapter and the cliff hanger, but its midnight and I want to actually post this tonight.

But let me tell you that last chapter… I hated it.

WARNING: 3 to 6 chapters left!

Don’t forget…




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