EXTRA: 6000 Reads!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!

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In about two chapters I went up about 1000 reads! That’s so exciting. To thank all my readers and fans here’s a little Legolas and Eda extra (wink wink).

“Legolas!” I shrieked as I ran around the room.

“Love, this is the last time I’m going to tell to come here!” he growled.

I ignored his demand and kept running away from him. “Come get me princy boy,” I teased as I kept dodging his attempts to grab me. He’s been on patrol all day and he came home ‘wanting some love,’ which I was against since I was in the middle of reading a really good book.

“I’m not fooling around!”

“Neither am I!” I sang.

I quickly jumped over a little table and was about to run into the hallway. So close… “AAAAHHHH!” I screamed as his arms came around my waist.

“Let me go elf boy!” I yelled at him.

“Stop struggling love,” he muttered as he threw me onto the king sized bed. He lay down on top of me and started to kiss up my neck.

“Legolas,” I moaned.

“Say it again,” he growled out.

“Legolas get off of me!”

He looked me in the eyes, “Do you really want me to get off?” he asked with a smirk.

I smiled, “um, maybe…” I trailed off.

He smirked again then smashed his lips onto mine. My hands went to his silky blonde hair, while his were roaming all over my body. I then dragged my hands over his shoulders and down his toned chest. He moaned into my mouth as he was kissing me with a burning passion, like this was our last kiss.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it, ripping it in half. He pulled back from the kiss, “That was my favorite shirt!” he whined. I rolled my eyes, “Deal with it.” I said and brought my lips up to his once again.

When I was out of breath I pulled back and Legolas took that as an opportunity to move his mouth to my neck. “The things you do to me my horny elf prince,” I muttered as he continued to assault my neck with his lips.

He looked me in the eyes, “Only me!” he said proudly. And then he smashed his lips to mine. I felt his hand slowly start to travel downwards and as soon as he reached the edge of my shirt he pulled it off me. He then took off my boots and removed his own.

“Legolas you know you have a meeting with your father soon,” I said as he was taking off my pants.

“Sure whatever,” was his only reply as he began to take off his own pants. “Cant this wait until tonight?” I asked him. “I really want to get back to that book I was reading.”

“Stop complaining, I’m better than any book,” he said.

“Are you now?”

“I’m better than all those prince charming’s put together,” he bragged.

“I don’t believe you!”

“Let me show you,” he said and started to kiss me, hard. He was reaching down when…

“Legolas my office now!” Thranduil’s voice echoed through the room. Thankfully there was a sitting room before you entered the main bedroom so he couldn’t see what he was doing.

“Really ada! Really!” he cried out in frustration.

“Now Legolas!” he said.

And I finally got to finish that book.

And and dont forget the copmetition....

You tell me what happens next and whoever has the best idea gets a dedication and I will read one of your story’s and give you feedback. Whoever’s  POV you want it in!

I would prefer if you would privately message me your ideas, it makes it easier for me to read them!

The next chapter will be uploaded on August 17th (My Birthday!!!) and the dead line for this competition is the 14th! Anything submitted later won’t be accepted. So get writing and show me where you think this story should go!

 Dont forget.......




Thanks again! :)

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