(1) The Audition

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Yuri's POV


"Shut up" I drowsily scream at the clock.

Today are Fall Musical auditions. Ha don't worry, I'm not auditioning I am just the stage manager and understudy if anything happens, but nothing has ever happened while I am around so I have nothing to worry about.

Why must we start auditioning before the school year even starts...it's annoying.

I get changed and head to school on my bike.

I noticed that there is a motorcycle in the lot...weird.

I waltz into the theater to see, oh great, we've got newcomers...some awkward freshman and WOAH wait a second is...Otabek Altin auditioning? Otabek is the school's playboy who sleeps around with any girl he can get. Why is he here? Does he even sing?

"So youngsters, I am the director, Mr. Kane, and we will be putting on the production of Aladdin in this here theater. This is your stage manager, Yuri Plisetsky, he will make sure props and where they are supposed to be, the flying situation manager person, and will understudy if any of you were to get sick or be injured." I give a thumbs up and a small smile.

"Any questions? No? Then let's get started!"

First was Ivy Jones who was audition for the role of Jasmine, she was pretty good, she is probably going to get the role.

I think Ivy made all of the other kids auditioning become very nervous with her talent. Some of them sounded painfully bad and others sounded alright but everyone knew Ivy was going to get it. Finally, we got to the last person, Otabek. I wonder what his singing voice sounds like?

Otabek was about to sing and then winked at me. WINKED. What the hell?! He started singing 'A Whole New World' and kept making faces at me. So this year he is not only going for girls, but also boys? After his song, everyone gave him a standing ovation. Yes, I'll admit he was good.

"Kids that is enough auditioning for today...Man, do we have some hidden talent at our school. Cast list will be up tomorrow when we start the first day of school. I will then send the cast our rehearsal schedule and we will do the show. Sound like a plan?" Everyone nodded.

After auditions, Mr. Kane and I usually talk about who he is casting. Otabek as Aladdin, Ivy as Jasmine, but we had a difficult time picking a Genie but it ended up being the freshman from earlier, Micheal I think. I felt good, Mr. Kane decided to pick the other cast members by himself, so I left.

I walk out of the school building to see the one and the only Otabek Altin with his back leaning against the brick wall and his left foot leaning against it as well.

Avoiding contact, I pull my phone out of my pocket to make it seem as though I am busy and quickly make my way to my bike. I hear a familiar voice come from behind me.

"Hey, Yuri was it?" I face him and nod. "Well, I wanted to know, how was my audition?" I wanted to say, 'It was pretty freaking good and you got the part.' but not wanting to reveal such news I said, "It was..." I paused, he noticed it, picked up my hand and kissed it. I feel my face heat up. "It was fine. Now if you don't mind I will be leaving." I abruptly said and started to peddle on my bike all the way home thinking of what just happened.

I am positive when I say that Otabek was trying to fluster me all day. I am not excited to see him again tomorrow...

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