(9) Costume Fittings

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Yuri's POV


Ugh I feel like I go to school everyday, today's Monday and the start of costume fittings. Everyone knows I yearn for the awkward measuring sessions and costume try-ons with every cast member.

My weekend was uneventful, but I can't believe Otabek, OTABEK, kissed me. And why though, there is no doubt that he cares about me now. Right? I mean what am I supposed to say, 'About that kiss, I um....I love....to think you're a great person....And I ah, love...that shirt looks very fitting for Aladdin!' Ugh how could he make me feel like such a mess.

I grab my clothes off the floor, too lazy to pick something new. I drop my shirt as I realize that I'm going to have to fit Otabek today... Him, me, the tiny costuming room. AHHH IT WILL BE SO AWKWARD! Wait maybe Mila, the head of costuming  who is kinda annoying will be there! It's better than no one. I'm not ready for an awkward conversation with Otabek.

I bike along the sidewalk until I see a man covered in all black with a helmet ride up beside me on his motorcycle. I petaled faster realizing it was probably Otabek.

I reach the school finally, park my bike, and sprint to my locker. Luckily, I don't see Otabek during the day for classes. It's been a decent enough day. Got 100% on my chemistry quiz, but the chem teacher isn't aware that I'm not good at chemistry, well not with Otabek at least. 

The last bell rings and it's time to go to rehearsal and have everyone try-on costumes and hear them complain that they it makes them look fat or if it's uncomfortable. 

"Yuri~" Mila says...oh god. "Hey Mila"

"I see you've got eyes for the Prince" 

"What? Otabek... nah you're hilarious Mila. oh jeez" I say fake laughing to cover my pain.

"Sure. Anyway, I have to leave at 4:00 for a dentist appointment. Can you finish the last two for me?"

"Yeah, I think I can manage. Who are the last two?"

"Ivy and uh Otabek"

THE LEADS! "Mila, uh why don't we do the leads first?" I say kinda panicking. 

"Mr. Kane asked us to do them last so they can work on scenes" I nervously smile.

"uh ok"

We go from extras to minor characters in 50 minutes. Okay, Ivy's next lets just hope Mila can stay a bit longer.  "Yuri, my time's up"

"Wait! I thought you said you were leaving at 4:00"

"Nope, my appointment's at 4:00. Why do you never listen?"

"Ugh, whatever, bye"

She leaves with her workstation a total mess...

I poke my head in the theater and it's time for Ivy's fitting. "Ivy" I motion her to come with me. 

Otabek smiles at me, I just walk back to the room feeling...warm. 

"It's about time you try costumes on me" She annoyingly say. 

"Yep" I say popping the P

She comes out with the first costume I handed her. "Hey, does this make me look fat?" I sigh, "No" I can't wait to go home.

"Listen, you are good friends with Otabek, right?" The mention of Otabek made my face heat up. 

"Yeah... i guess" 

"Do you think he'll ask me out? I mean who doesn't want this?" I sigh again. Gays, gay guys like Otabek don't want you. Wait, am I jealous? And I don't even know if Otabek's gay...

"Okay, It looks fine. You can leave."

"It's about time" FINALLY SHE'S GONE.

Otabek pokes his head in and knocks on the door. "Mr. Kane can we-- oh hey" I say as I turn around. 

"Hey Yuri! How are you?"

I couldn't find my words. "uh um decent... I got a 100% on C-chemi-istry." I turn toward the costume rack to no longer face Otabek and grab his costume. 

I turn to face him again. He is standing directly in front on me, looking at my lips. "Uhh here's your costume" I say shoving the costume toward him. 

"okay" he says walking away. 

He comes back, looking grea- alright. Alright. "So does it fit?"

"The waist is a bit tight"

"Okay I'll adjust it" 

"Are we okay? You seem a bit... off. And I totally understand. I mean, we kissed last time we saw each other. And I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it" He spoke. 

I can't take this anymore. 

"I'm really sorry if I confused you or anything. I was just trying to--" I kiss him. Right there and then I kissed him. Wow, who knew I could be so bold when 5 minutes ago I was a mess...

He blankly stares at me, I stare back.

"Uh can I go change now?"

"Uh yeah.."

He comes back, and hands me the costume. Silently.

"Bye Yuri" He smiles.

"Bye... Otabek" I smile back.

He leaves. Mr. Kane looks back at Otabek before entering and smiles at me. I blush red...this is going to be a long show.


A/N: LISTEN GUYS I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME THREE MONTHS... I'll update more frequently, probably every Sunday or Monday. Enjoy!

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