(17) Tech night two

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Otabek's POV

I really hope Yuri's okay, I haven't heard from him in a few days. I know Mr. Kane puts a lot of pressure on him to make everything as perfect as possible.

I think calling him would be the best option, so I click his name and give him a call just to check in on how he's doing. It immediately was sent to voicemail? it's ok, he's busy.

After our run-through of the show yesterday, Mila said she needed to make a new costume piece and I had to try it on. So I head to the theater, walk into the costume room and see Yuri with his hair up in a ponytail, earbuds in, and constructing some sort of prop.

I look closer at his face, his eyes are slightly red and watery...this pressure must really be getting to him. I tap him on the shoulder and move to his other side just to be playful you know? Then our eyes meet and my smile immediately fades.  Yuri just scoffs, picks up his prop, and walks away. I guess he doesn't like a joke during tech week...

Mila enters the room as Yuri exits,
She looks back at him with a questioning look. Then she looks at me sighing, "Otabek, you messed up, but we're not talking about that right now. I need you to try this on fast or else Mr. Kane will have my head" she says sounding very annoyed. "Well, Mila, what's going on with Yu-" "shut it—put it on, you guys just need to get through this week without your personal chaos. The show is the only thing that matters right now, got it?"

I didn't know everyone was this crabby during tech week...

Yuri's POV

Otabek really had the GAUL, the AUDACITY, to show up while I'm working and mess with me. If I can get through this week without talking to him, it would be a miracle.

Mila promised she wouldn't say anything to him. She better keep that because there is no way I am stepping into his role if he decides to quit.

"Hey stage manager boy, blonde kid" I turn to see someone I especially didn't want to converse with, Ivy. "Look bitch I'm not dealing with you today—" "Jeez you have a temper! I just wanted to tell you that your boyfriend is looking for you" she finishes rolling her eyes. "Oh really? Well you can tell him to fuck off and leave me alone" I stormed off, no one should mess with me right now.

I check my phone to see 2 missed calls from Otabek?!? "I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS" I hurl my phone at the wall and it shatters. "YURI! What on earth are you doing?" I turn to see Mr. Kane staring at me. "I-I'm just stressed, that's all" I reply trying to cover up why I'm really upset. "Yeah, no, you're lying, listen you have been working so hard and the show should not come before you're mental health; you can have the night off okay? And please don't throw you're phone against walls" he briskly walks off.

Night off?

I was trying to use the play to distract me from...him, but I'm just going to be alone with my thoughts...I started to gather the shards from my broken phone off the floor when I see a hand being offered to help me up. I look up to see Otabek. "Oh did you have fun on your lunch date with that slut?" "Yuri wha—" "ARE YOU KIDDING? I overheard your conversation yesterday, I know you're cheating on me. I'm over talking about it. Just-just GET OUT OF MY LIFE" and just like that I'm storming off to the parking lot to get on my bike and head home once again.

Otabek looked pretty confused...probably because I finally figured it out. I'm sick of crying over him, it's unlike me. That bastard is just as bad, no WORSE, than Mila had claimed him to be; he's still a playboy.

I furiously finish my late homework that I hadn't been able to do, and then by 6pm I decide to fall asleep because I'm not wasting energy by just sitting here so I may as well get as much sleep as possible for the final dress rehearsal tomorrow. Almost everything is done; this stupid boy WILL NOT ruin this for me.

A/N- wow look at me cranking out another chapter and things are getting juicy hehe -etl

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