(3) Coffee

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Yuri's POV

I hate this play already?! I knew Mr. Kane was a bit crazy, but seriously we could have redone auditions...There is no reason I have to step in after not even a rehearsal. And I have to kiss him? What the hell...I can't quit now and I have nothing to lose. I hope Mr. Kane realizes that I am attempting to remain calm and not lose my temper in front of him and Otabek...

"Yes! I mean, I have nothing else to do" I say. What is wrong with me...why am I so nervous...it's just coffee.

"Okay then! Where to?" he said

"There is a small shop nearby,"

We walked out and my palms are sweating, I mean it's a little warm outside today...nothing to worry about. I'm just following Otabek cause he seems to be heading somewhere even though I know to shop is the opposite way.

"Um, Otabek, where are we going?"

"What do you mean? I thought we were going to the shop?" We come upon a solid black motorcycle and Otabek jumps on and offers his hand. I tried to grab his hand, but the motorcycle was so high that I couldn't get on it.

Otabek jumps off and lifts me onto the bike. I realize I am blushing insanely, why? I mean, what if...what if he is trying to experiment and fool a boy, how strange.

Wait a moment, he asked me for coffee...is this a date? He's going to try his tricks, but I won't fall for them. One of his victims were my best friend, Mila. She told me that she was in love with him. They dated at the end of last year, for about 2 months and then Otabek broke her heart as soon as she said the l-word. She was heartbroken for the whole summer then finally got over it. He has a history of doing that to girls.

I can't tell if he is being sincere or is trying to pull the same shenanigans he pulled with Mila. I'll play along for now but not too long. I cannot trust him.

"Wow...thank you" I manage to say. I better not be gaining feelings...C'mon Yuri keep strong.

"Hold onto me, it's safer that way" He winked. Hold on...he was blushing, can you force a blush, is that possible?

I was about to strap on the helmet until, "Allow me" he said. Dude, I can strap on a helmet by myself, I am not a kindergartner. Yet, I had a smile on my face.

As we ride through the town Otabek began going faster all of the sudden. I immediately hugged him tighter in fear of falling off.

We finally arrive and walk in. "2 coffees?" Otabek asked. I nod, "I can pay for my own Otabek"

"No I got it don't worry, I could see the torment you went through when you found out you had to play the role, allow me." I laugh.

We received the coffees and sat at a table next to a window. We casually talked about school, our predictions about the play, and then somehow my love life.

"Anyone special in your life, Yuri?"

"No, I have never had a significant other" Otabek raised his eyebrow in interest and then suddenly gets all nervous and blushes. He paused...for a bit.

"I-I heard someone wants to ask y-you o-out" He stutters.

"Really? Who would want me? I am stubborn and I lose my temper a lot"

Otabek opens his mouth but no words come out, he is clearly trying to express a form of speech but cannot formulate the words.

"Listen, Yuri, I have to go, but this was...nice" he manages to say. "Wait, I drove you here, do you need a ride home?"

"No I live just around the corner, I can walk. Thanks though, and yeah, it was...nice" I blush as he walks away. He does not seem as bad as everyone has said, before I was skeptical, but still is the nervousness an act? He is kinda...cute when he gets all nervous. Stop Yuri, you are not falling down the same hole Mila went down. He is a manipulative playboy who knew he would be doing the play? He should be called the 'play'boy...hahaha. Jokes aside, just don't do it Yuri.

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