(6) Prince Ali

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Yuri's POV

Does Otabek really care or is he just playing the game?

"Otabek, can I sit for a second? I'm feeling dizzy"

He randomly picks me up bridal style and starts walking me to the bike, which luckily is a two seater. I don't know why but I felt even more dizzy after he picked me up.

Otabek started pedaling and at this point I was feeling nauseous. I held on tight to Otabek, and I felt better.

We arrived at my house and he again carried me to the door. "I am still not doing too well do you mind staying with me for a little bit?" Otabek smiled, "Of course, Yuri" he said sincerely.

I unlocked the door and he lead me inside to the nearby couch so I could sit down.

"Otabek, I am really nervous about this. I've never done something like it and it's a main part and I have to ki-" I immediately pause because I realize I am having an anxiety attack and crying in front of Otabek.

Otabek just hugged me and told me, "Yuri, I promise, I'll be there for you. This is all new to me too" I just sat there as I sobbed and I hugged him tighter.

About ten minutes had passed and we were in the same positions still holding each other. Maybe this isn't a game, I think we truly enjoy each other's presence.

Otabek was first to pull away and a crimson blush was left on both of our faces.

"Yuri, this was nice. I, uh, have homework? So I'm gonna leave."

"Sure, Prince Ali, you do homework now? I thought you were too busy hitting up all of the girls." I say bluntly just to be sure this wasn't a game.

Otabek's POV

I can't, I like him too much. I just have to tell him that I'm changing.

"Yuri, you've, well, changed me. The past few days have been really great because you were there. The life I was living before, being the playboy, was bad for me. I think you are the best for me right now. Seriously, before this bond that we built, I was going to use you. I am saying this because I think you need to know. I realized that you are so funny, kind, caring, and really...cute."

Did that just come out of my mouth? Oh god, what is he going to think of me?

Yuri just smiled like that was the answer he was hoping for. He ran up to me and hugged me again before I walk out the door. Before I shut the door, Yuri appears, "I think you are...cute too." he says as he quickly kisses me on the cheek and runs inside his house.

I laugh a little and realize I am grinning like an idiot. Did I have a chance? Yuri actually might have liked me too. What a world we live in.

I forgot I had to walk home. It was surprisingly really cold for September and I was sporting a tee shirt and shorts. Can I go back to Yuri's? Why not? That kind of ended quickly and I hope Yuri doesn't feel embarrassed by it.

I knock on the door. "Who is it?" I hear Yuri say from the other side.

"Your mother"

"Oh really," he says opening the door. "Hey mom, how's it- Otabek?"

I laugh, "Did you actually think I was your mom?" He grins and has a slight blush.

"Anyway it's cold. Do you mind if I stay the night?"

"No I don't mind. I'll just take the couch."

"Yuri, it's your house and your bed so sleep in it. I'll be fine on the couch."

"Well, my bed is big enough for the both of us." he says blushing a bit.

I blush too, "Okay then."

I still had my clothes from school, but I didn't mind. I get in the and cover myself with the blankets. Yuri laid beside me and came close to me.

"Otabek, I'm cold."

"Okay" I say. We start cuddling like it was natural and both easily fell asleep. What an eventful day...

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