The Truth

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Here's the edited version! :'D

The world is dark. Why is it so black. Who turned off the lights? What the fuck? Where the fuck am I? Why is it so dark?  Oh, right. I'm not awake. Crap. Does that mean? Everything in my dream was real? Levi and I broke up? My mom hates me? What does this mean?

I was scared to open my eyes, knowing that the answer to these questions could very well be what I expected them to be. I was afraid I would wake up to find a depressing reality; one where Levi left me to be alone in the midst of all this confusion with my sexuality and my mom... My mom. What does she even think? She'll probably send me to some type of church group to get me 'fixed'. Frankly, I didn't want to be, though. It's not even certain that I actually am gay. I could just be gay for Levi. Or bi. I don't know. But, right now, opening my eyes doesn't seem like a very easy thing to do.

Just then, I heard a door open. The door, that I'm assuming was the one that led into my room, squeaked as someone made their appearance. I knew that they weren't leaving because I could feel another person's presence so it was unlikely that someone had just left.

"Hey," a dainty, feminine voice greeted. Someone else must have been here.

"Hey," a deep, silky voice sadly repeated. My heart stopped. That sounded like Levi's voice.

"You doing okay?" I assumed this to be one of Levi's friends, Petra, if it was Levi who was in the room. Who am I kidding? It is Levi. I could never pretend not to know his voice.

"I don't know, Petra." Wow, I'm good at this. "He's been asleep for two days now. What if he never wakes up? He would have left on such a shitty note. I didn't even bother to listen to him, Petra!" His voice became progressively more emotional and dripped with more sadness while he talked. It made my heart crack. I wanted to throw my eyes open and say that "it's okay!"That it was my fault for not telling him who Kaylie was. That it was stupid for me to even be texting her anyways. I barely knew her for Christ's sake, and she just sauntered into my life and ruined the best relationship I had ever had with someone. The first time that I was ever in love with someone, wrecked, because I decided that talking to a stranger was more logical than talking to my own boyfriend or best friend about my problem. I was the stupid one. And it would have been my fault if we had left on a bad note. Not his.

"Levi, it's not your fault." Petra consoled.

Did that bitch just say that it was my fault?

"I know, Petra. But, me not listening is my fault and I should have. I could have at least given him that much." He said, regret evident in his voice.

"Well, he's not dead, I can tell you that much. He suffered a concussion. Nothing too serious."

"Well, he's been asleep for two days so, obviously, it's at least a little serious." He sassed. I had to let out a small chuckle through my nose. Good old Levi.

Petra sighed and offered Levi a drink which he declined. She left the room, in search of, presumably, a vending machine whereas Levi stayed.

"Eren. Please wake up. I know I did some awful shit to you and that you probably don't even want to see my face. But please just. Wake up. I miss you and you need to give me a chance to apologize, you little shit." He pleaded. Even with his playful banter at the end his voice started to crack and so did my heart. I couldn't take it any longer. I had to open my eyes.

I fluttered them open, pretending that I had just come to consciousness. When the light filtered in, my head began to hurt tremendously. It felt like someone was squeezing my brain and I had to shut my eyes again, harshly forcing my eyelids shut and then ripping them apart to adjust to the dim light of the room. It looked to be about sunset by the tint of the colors on the ceiling. I turned my head to look at Levi whose back faced me. His hands were held up to his eyes. I think he's crying.

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