The Confession

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***HAPPY MONDAY! I just want to thank you guys so much for all the reads and support! I really appreciate it! I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far! This chapter is kind of a filler but I don't know, I really like it actually. Enjoy! :)

The next four weeks went along as usual with a few competitions and Levi and I having text conversations until 12-1am about absolutely nothing. We enjoyed each other's presents so we would hang out quite often, maybe three times a week. The fact that our relationship was how it was, made after-practice practice all the more enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, Levi and I were very professional still when it came to diving, and studying was a little less but we were still productive. We were more like best friends than boyfriends which, I was okay with because it made it all the more comfortable for me. We shared a couple kisses here and there but never did it get as passionate as it did on the hill. But, that doesn't mean that I didn't feel all of the emotions that were exchanged with each peck and small make out sessions that we shared in secret. Levi nor I are big PDA people; in fact, Armin still teases me about having "the hots" for the captain and I never refuted but I still haven't told anyone about us yet.

My mother knew of him but only as my friend who is my diving partner and helps me with my French homework every once in a while. She, actually, really likes Levi. He's very polite and helps with the dishes whenever he stayed for dinner and he offers to clean the kitchen and dining room sometimes which my mom smiles at and gratefully refuses. She's told me many times that she's glad that Levi's my friend and that I was fortunate enough to have him on my team to which I always smile and say that I feel the same way.

As far as me, it didn't take long for me to get comfortable with Levi but I was still not really okay with the "gay" thing. I know it's just a label but words have power and I always felt uncomfortable with the overwhelming doom involving my mother's rejection that seemed to hang over my head when I heard or thought about it. Weirdly enough, every time I did think about it, I would always think about Levi and the thought of him would always seem to dull the effects of the word. He made it so there was a positive association with it. It seemed he made everything easier for me. He was so chill about our relationship, whatever it is, and all of the things it entailed.

That was one thing that bothered me, however. Armin had told me that Levi is openly gay so it's not like it was anything that no one knew and it also meant that he was probably used to having partners that were openly gay as well, so to be the way I was must have been frustrating. So closed in and wanting to act as if we didn't exist but Levi was unbelievably cool about it. He didn't care how slow or fast our relationship progressed and honestly, I didn't either but I did care how he felt and if he felt it was going too slow, I would have felt badly about it because it would have been my fault.

We were currently sitting in my bedroom, finishing the French lesson Levi had put together for me.

"So, to review, 'le' is masculine and 'la' is feminine. What makes a word feminine is if it ends in ade, aison, ance, ande, ence, ise, son, té, tié, ture, or ude. So basically if it ends with an e or o n then it's feminine. If it ends in anything else it's masculine. Got it?" Levi turned to look at me from his spot on my bed and I timidly nodded my head.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm sure it'll be easier when I memorize all of these but I understand what your saying." I say, looking back down at my textbook, thinking a little more on the subject. I was trying to comprehend everything that Levi had just taught me and my face twisted up into concentration. I wrote a couple things down on my lined piece of paper that went with the homework that was issued to us today and was due tomorrow, on Thursday.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Levi asked and I snapped my head up from my homework. The question took me off-guard.

"Uh, well, I should probably finish my homework first." I said scratching the back of my neck and Levi smirked.

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