Cap 8°

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(El otro lado)
Joyce y Hopper, que fueron detenidos mientras intentaban ingresar al Laboratorio Hawkins, son interrogados por el Dr. Brenner, quien finalmente negocia con el jefe de policía el dejarlos atravesar el portal, siempre que éste le indique dónde se esconde Once. Así sucede: Joyce y Hopper acceden a la puerta interdimensional y comienzan a buscar a Will, hasta encontrarlo moribundo, asfixiándose con una larga especie de babosa que logran sacar de su boca; finalmente Hopper logra revivirlo tras aplicarle la reanimación cardiopulmonar. Entre tanto, Nancy y Jonathan regresan a la casa de este último para intentar capturar a la criatura y, segundos antes de aparecer, se presenta Steve inesperadamente. El monstruo les ataca a los tres, pero finalmente consiguen hacer que pise una trampa para osos, aunque consigue huir. Mike, Dustin, Lucas y Once aguardan escondidos en el instituto, donde, de repente se presenta la gente del laboratorio encabezados por el Dr. Brennen, para atrapar a la chica. En su huida, Once utiliza la telequinesis para acabar con algunos guardias pero, en ese instante aparece el monstruo, atraído por la sangre, y mata a Brenner y a los demás agentes, arrinconando a los niños en un aula. Once lo paraliza contra una pared, y ambos parecen desintegrarse y desaparecer. Un mes más tarde, todo parece olvidado. Los chicos siguen reuniéndose para jugar a Dungeons & Dragons, en tanto que Joyce se dispone a celebrar la Navidad junto al ya recuperado Will, y Jonathan. Justo antes de comenzar a cenar, Will se disculpa y se dirige al baño para lavarse las manos. Allí, tras expulsar una especie de babosa por la boca, verá, durante un instante y como en un flash, la dimensión donde estuvo cautivo.

(The upside down)
Joyce and Hopper, who were arrested while attempting to enter the Hawkins Laboratory, are interrogated by Dr. Brenner, who finally negotiates with the police chief to let them through the portal, as long as the latter tells him where Once is hiding. This is what happens: Joyce and Hopper enter the interdimensional door and begin to find Will, until they find him dying, suffocating with a long species of slug they manage to get out of his mouth; Finally Hopper manages to revive him after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Meanwhile, Nancy and Jonathan return to the latter's house to try to capture the creature, and seconds before appearing, Steve unexpectedly appears. The monster attacks all three of them, but they finally get him to step on a bear trap, even though he fled. Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Eleven wait in hiding in high school, where all of a sudden the lab people led by Dr. Brennen come in to catch the girl. In his escape, Eleven uses telekinesis to finish off some guards, but at that moment the monster, attracted by blood, appears and kills Brenner and the other agents, cornering the children in a classroom. Eleven paralyzes it against a wall, and both seem to disintegrate and disappear. A month later, everything seems forgotten. The boys are still gathering to play Dungeons & Dragons, while Joyce is about to celebrate Christmas with Will and Jonathan. Just before starting dinner, Will apologizes and heads to the bathroom to wash his hands. There, after expelling a species of slug by mouth, you will see, for an instant and in a flash, the dimension where he was captive.

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