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****Char's POV****

It's a week since the Tom rumours came out and we've moved on, if anything it has made us stronger. I completely trust him and it's no one else's business what they think has gone on.

We both went round to my mum and dad's, as we haven't spoken in a week and I needed a catch up. I got changed into a cream knit jumper and some black jeans.

"How are you both?" Mum asked me as the boys were sorting out the garden and Tom was helping dad

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"How are you both?" Mum asked me as the boys were sorting out the garden and Tom was helping dad. "Pete said something about some rumours."

"There were rumours that Tom did something on a night out, but I know that it's not true. He's given my eye witnesses if I need and to be honest I believe him." I said. "He's done nothing to betray my trust so I have to trust him."

"He seems very nice." She said. "So what are you doing after this?"

"We're catching up with Izzy and Alex, I haven't really spoken to them since their engagement party. We're all going on this night out tonight so it should be fun."

"Hey babe." Tom said and gave me a kiss before sitting down. "What you chatting about?"

"I was telling mum that we're going out tonight." I said. "We should be going actually, I need to go and sort some things out, and we need some lunch."

We made our way to the front door and I watched as Tom said bye to both my parents. It made me happy that he took the time to make friends with my family.

"I'll see you soon" Mum said and gave me a kiss as we stood at the door. "Call me if you need anything."

"You too."

I was out in the shop later sorting out some of the new stock when I noticed Tom's sisters walking in. There were 2 of them and they were both twins, Danielle and Lauren, both 18.

"Hey girls" I said and welcomed them both in. "What are you doing?"

"We were just shopping and thought we would come in to catch up." Danielle said. "We need a proper catch up over a movie one night."

"I'll organise something." I said. "Fancy helping me do some organising this rack."

"Sure." Sam said and they started helping my. "So what's been happening with you and my brother?"

"We've been doing good. We're going out tonight and we went round to my parent's house this morning. We lead quite a boring lifestyle." I said which made them laugh. "Oh and Tenerife was lovely I heard that you helped Tom plan some bits."

""He just needed some help with the Valentine gifts and the dates." Sam said. "He's so helpless when he comes to that. It does just show that he cares though, he wanted it to be special for you."

When they finished helping me, they made their way out and just as I was letting them out I noticed Jamie walking past. He went to my school and I knew him quite well, but he just broke up with Amber.

"Hey Jamie." I said and invited him in. "How's everything going?"

"It's all quite rubbish now." He said and you could see he was very down about it. "I just spoke to Dan and he admitted they did kiss at the weekend. It just makes me wonder how long this has been going on for"

"I don't know either of them that well so I don't know, but I think you just need to get out of the relationship. Be the bigger man and show them what she is missing."

"Thanks Char." He said and then the door opened. "Hey Tom."

"Hey Jamie." He said and did the boy hug thing they all did. "How you holding up?"

"Just getting by, anyway I better go I've got to go and get home." He said and gave us both a hug. "I'll see you soon."

"Bye." I turned to Tom. "I feel sorry for him."


I got changed for the night out and was now in a plunging too and a leather skirt. I then got my purse and some heels before making my way out.

"Hey Iz" I said and gave them both a hug when we met up

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"Hey Iz" I said and gave them both a hug when we met up. "You two look very happy."

"We are, we need this night out though, wedding planning is very stressful." She admitted. "Which reminds me, I need to ask you something?"


"I want you to be my maid of honour. You're one of my longest friends and you have the ability to calm me down, which is what I need right now. So will you take up my offer?"

"Of course I will." I said and gave her and Alex a hug. "I can't wait for this wedding. It has took you so long."

"Good things are worth waiting for."


It was later that night and I was stood with Pete discussing the charity event that the night is trying not to fundraiser for.

"I'm very proud of you." I said. "You've put a lot of effort into this and everyone can see it."

"Thank you." He said. "I think your picture with Lola was one of the best ones there. I'm going to buy it and put it up in my house."

"That's sweet." I said and then Megan came over. "I'm going to leave you to it"

"No stay." Pete said and tried to grab me. "This is pathetic can't you two just make up."

"I have nothing to apologise for." I said. "She was the one who tried to ruin my relationship and was spreading false accusations about me."

"When are you going to get over it?" Megan said.

"When you stop trying to act like you ruin this place." I shouted. "You don't, but you like to think you have power over everyone and no one can speak about you. Anyway I'm done."

Can't be doing with her.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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