Chapter 1

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Jade's P.O.V
Im Jade i wouldn't exactly say im thr schools outcast but im not popular either i have my friends maybe more than i meed to but i wouldnt really call them friends if you get me. Let me tell you little bit about myself my names Jade Johnson but people call me JJ im 16 i live in tennesse i like all kinds of music mainly shawn mendes. I go to school at Riverdale High School and em did i mention im gay like really gay i have a girlfriend called Carly shes great and all that i just dont feel the spark I used to you get me. But there are these 2 new girls Lauren and i think her little sisters name is Dani and might I just say Lauren is breath taking she sits beside me in most of my classes which i thank the gods for. She has dark brown hair with a bit of blonde Dark brown eyes that you could honestly get lost in and her smile dont even get me started on her smile its perfect and we will just leave it at that. I wanna be her friend well start off being her friend i mean she could be straigt as a pole so i could just end up staying her friend but being in her presence is good enough for me.

Ugh what could he possibly want. I make my way down the stairs "yes Toby" i stand there for at least a minute waiting for him to stop making out with his girlfriend Sophie
"Dads gone out of town and he doesnt know when he'll be home do i would say im in charge but im never really here so your more than likely gonna be alone most of the time" i nod my head and turn on my heels to walk out "which will start now im going out so invite Carly over or something" i just keep walking until i reach my bedroom door.
As I lay on my bed thinking about Lauren and how i was gonna become her friend im not really the most confident person you'll meet.

I get interupted by my phone ringing i pick it up and see carly's name and a picture of her on the screen i let out a sigh before answering

C:hey babe
C:can I come over?
J:em yeah sure
C:okay ill see you in about 5 minutes
J:okay bye
And the line went dead

When Carly comes over we usually just either watch a movie or talk sometimes other things but those are the main things.

I jump up from my bed and walk i to my bathroom grabbing my hair brush and fix my hair quickly which only took me two sec9nds since ive short hair oh the joys of being bald #BaldIsBeautiful i re-Brush my teeth cause i dont need to be kissing my girl with bad breath.

*Knock Knock*
I open the door and see carly standing there i open my arms to give her a hug which she accepts she smells like strawberrys its great but kinda makes me hungry. I take her hand in mine and we walk inside and up to my room i plop down on my bed and she sits on my lap which is something she would never really do unless we were out and there was no seats left so she would just sit on my lap.

She stares in my eyes "whats wrong?" She ignores my question and conti ues sgarting at me. She starts to lean in as do i and i coukdbt wait any longer i crashed our lips together she glided her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance which i gladly allow. Things get a little heated she pushes me down so im laying on my back she pulls her top off leaving her in her black lacy bra. Its a nice sight but im more a dominant person so me being me i flip us over so im on top we continue making out i unclasp her bra and as im about to take it off her guess what her phone starts to ring she lets out a sigh before answering it.
"What...Yeah...Im at Jade's...Yes i will be home before 10...okay bye" she thows her phones on the chair "moods kinda gone now" i say she looks and nods fixing herself up.

Me and carly are cuddled up on the couch watching something i cant remember what its called i have zero intrest in it. I start to scroll through my instagram until i see i have a new follower notification
🌜lauren cimorelli🌛: followed you
How'd she find my instagram i follow her back and do a little stalk "babe what are you doing" i click of her profile "just scrolling through my feed" she nodds "i have to its getting late but ill see you in school tomorrow yeah" i nod we get up and walk to the door she gives me a kiss and turns to go to her car i stand there and watch her drive off and go back into the house i go straight to my room alls i could think about today was lauren god what is this girl doing to me.

A/N: hey guess so this is my first fan fiction i know this chapter sucked but hopefully it gets better haha.

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