"JADEY BABYYYY" i walking into Jade's apartment "hey Lauren J" she says turning away from whatever she was doing in the kitchen i give her a confused look "J" "Too many Laurens for me to deal with" she just looks at me "anyway you ready to see this movie" i ask "Yup" i look around her apartment "so em where is Lauren"
"She has a family donner thing her cousins and stuff are coming over so" i nod my head undestandingbwhat she means "so thats why you wanted to hang out cause Lauren isnt around" i cross my arms "what no i just ugh forget it can we just go".
Once we get out to the car it was silent neither or us spoke to eachother i hate it ever since Lauren came back me and jade have barley even talked let alone hung out together this is the first time we have done anything and it feels like a first date with the fucking tension "are you gonna stay in the car or" Jade asks getting out the Car i didnt eveb realised we had stopped "oh em yeah" jeez why is she being so harsh if anyone should be pissed off its me not her.
As we walk out of the theater as if it was timed Lauren rings Jade i meantally face palm myself i kind of understand like i wouldn't want my girlfriend hanging out with someone who they slept with a couple of times but they were broken up at the time its not like were secretly dating or anything and i dont get why Jade is being so off with me i mean i was there when she had no one at all i understood them being together all the time for the first two weeks but two months im come on dont they need a little space from eachother like damn but it coukd be worse they coukd be the type of couple that constanly have their tongues down eachothers throats and are basically fucking in public. She hasn't really taken any interest in me like i got a new roomate her name is Ally but Jade obviously hasnt noticed.
"Thanks" i say getting out of the car and walking straight up to the elevator not waiting for Jade she jogs up after me "What is wrong with you" "Nothing" "It doesnt seem like nothing" "Oh so now you care" i say storming out of the elevator and up to my door "wait what do y-" i cut her off by closing the door.
"Hey whats up" Ally asks pouring herself a class of wine "Jade?" She asks grabbing me a glass i nod "come on have a drink with me" she motions for me to come sit beside her.
We started playing some game it was like the question game but these were questions you wouldn't normally ask someone "okay em where is the weirdest place you've had sex and who was it with" Ally asks raising an eyebrow "em in a car with Jade" "Damn you two were horny mother fuckers the only place i've ever had sex is in a bed" "Okay okay i think its time we go to bed goodnight Al" "Night Laur".
*Lauren C's P.O.V* "Hey cutie" Jade say's placing a kiss on my cheek "hey babe wait what are doing here" "I wanted to drop you off on your first day of college gosh they grow up so fast" she pretends to wipe a tear away "awww you got up early for me since you know your a lazy ass" i smirk walking past her putting my bowl and spoon in the sink "Come on letssss goooooo" she says pulling me out to her car "you know you should really get this washed" "Hey hey don't offend my baby" "I thought i was your baby" she just doesnt answer we spent the rest of the Car ride listening to music and screaming i mean singing along "i'll pick you up at half 2 then" she asks leaning against her car "yup half 2 bye babe" "Bye i love you" "I love you too" i say before kissing her lips and walking off.
"Hey hey hey i brings you the goods of coffee and donuts" Jade says handing me a cup of coffe and a donut "oh why thank you" "So how was it" "Pretty good my teachers are pretty chill" "Oh thats good".
"Im just saying i dont understand why they can't just tell someone" Jade sags not understanding the whole concept of Pretty Little Liars i hear a knock on the door before my peeps her head in "im just going shopping the boys are at football and dani is at her friends so of anyone calls you know where everyone is" "Okay mom bye" "Bye girls".
After about 4 more episode i guess Jade got bored i feel her press her lips to my neck leaving wet kisses down along my neck and shoulders i turn my head towards her and smile she kisses my lips i stradle her and deepen the kiss she puts her hand under my top her hands roming my body she starts to play with my bra strap she brings her hands back down placing them on my ass giving it a squeeze i can't help but let out a moan i pull my top.up over my head and Jade flips us over and starts sucking on my skin from neck down to my stomach well thats gonna leave a mark
The house phone starts to ring but i ignore it until i hear the voice mail "Laur can you come pick me and sophie up there is these guys who wont leave us alone i know your home please come get us" once Jade heard that she basically jumped off me and grabed her shoes i put my top on and follow her out to the car.
Once we pull up Jade gets out of the car and says something which seemed agressive from the way she was moving her hands and her facial expressions dani and sophie get in the back seat a couple of seconds before Jade gets back in well at least i know if we ever adopt kids or anything she won't let anyone fuck with them.
"Wow what's with the marks" dani asks looking at my neck she pulls my top to the side "oh my god ifyou have them shes gonna flip and you know that"
"First of all no she wouldn't im 18 and Jade is 18 and secomd of all shut up" Dani just sits back in her seat while Jade talks to sophies parents i guess she called them when the guys were around.
Once she comes back she imdieatky starts driving "Jeez what's up with you guys" Dani asks knowing exactly whats wrong well not the fact that im like sexually frustrated because she interrupted something "What were you thinking coming up here you know what there like and you told your mom that you were going to sophies you know damn well your not allowed up here" Jade says trying to stay as calm as possible "i dunno i wanted to have a little fun plus who are you to tell me what i can and can't do your not even part of this family why don't you go back to your family and boss them around " Dani says crossing her arms over her chest i shoot my head around to dani and shake my head giving her a dirty look "Im not telling you were you can and can't go Dani but you know you shouldnt be up this end of town i just don't want anything to happen to you and yes your right im not part of your family but that is never gonna stop me from looking out and protecting you guys" Jade says taking my hand in hers and bringing it up to her mouth leaving it kiss on my knuckles "i know im sorry Jade" "It's okay Kiddo".
Once we get back to the house Dani goes across the street to her friends and Jade and I go back upstairs and continue watching Pretty Little Liars "im sorry about Dani earlier she didnt mean what she said she knows about your situation and stuff she was-" she cuts me off by placing her lips on mine "shhhh its okay i get it now em i believe we were in the middle of something until we got disturbed. She hoovers over placing her head in the crook of my neck and begins sucking she pulls away i use this time to pull my top off seeing all the marks she left on me from earlier.
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She smirks me before kissing from my lips to the top of my jeans she looks up asking for permission i nod my head before she unbuttons my jeans and pulls then off she kisses my thighs right up and places a kiss on my 🐱 through my underwear she comes back up to my lips and kisses me she puts her hands on my ass and squeezes it causing me to moan she takes this as a time to deepen the kiss "Agh oh mh god im sorry" Christina says walking in a covering her eyes and walking straight back out i can't help but laugh "seriously everytime" i sigh and Jade just flops down beside "im gonna take a nap wake me up for dinner" she says snuggling into me