Chapter 27

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Jade's P.O.V
I run after Lauren once i catch uo with her she turns to me and says "Jade go home i really don't want to talk to you right now please just please go home" she turns away and continues walking leaving alone again .

Once i get back to the house i go straight to my room thinking about what happened what did she mine by go ask lauren i mean i guess i lied to her about who i was talking to but how would she know. I take my cera out a decide to film a video to take my mind off it, once i finish my video i pull my phone out to text Lauren to see if she is willing to talk to me i see got a messeage from Lauren J i don't remember getting a text of her oh i guess Lo seen it and got kinda mad at me but i mean it didn't mean anything okay yes i should have told her and i will admit i was wrong in that sense but its not like it said, Glad we're back talking we should hook up sometime no all she said was she is glad we talked i never said i was gling tk get back talking to her maybe we just didnt want things to be super awkward in the hall ya get me but there is no point in trying to talk to Lauren yet she won't answer and if i go to the house she'll just close the door in my face.

Lauren's P.O.V
I CAN'TTTTTT believe SHE IS BACK TALKING TO LAUREN AND DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME. Okay like i guess i have no reason to be mad but we are a couple she should tell me everything i would tell her if i was backing talking to one of my ex's and that little temper of hers would go from 0-100 real quick "where's Jade gone" my mom asks me "oh em she had to go she got a em call from her landlord she nods "oh Dani is going to meet us here in 10 minutes" i nod my head taking my phone out of my pocket and opening up twitter expecting to see a subtweet from Jade but nope nothing surprisngly if im being honest i was expecting her to run after me or call me just to wonder what i was talking about but she didn't which isn't like her at all even if she just thought i was annoyed or upset or if i asked to be alone she would never leave she would stay to make sure i was okay.

I hear my phone start ring expecting it to be Jade but Nope it's Dani I slid my finger across the screen answering it "Hello" "Hey where are you guys"
"I'll walk out and meet you at the fountain okay" "Yup" she says before hanging up "mom im just gonna walk out and meet Dani" she nods continuing to look at the clothes.

"Hey Dan how was the concert last night?" I ask walking up to her

"Oh hey it was AMAZING" she says getting way to excited we start walking back into the store into my mom.

"Soooo how was your night alone with Jade" she asks raising an eyebrow smirking

"Good" i say bluntly shit "you act like we have never stayed alone with eachother before i mean i've stayed at hers plenty of times" i smile i want her i want her with me here right now holding my hand or letting me hug her arm while we walk around

"Ohhh this would look so nice on Jade with oh them black jeans cause they would go with her vans i have to get them for her" my mom says picking up the t-shirt, hoodie and Jeans
"Yeah" i fake a smile

She goes of to the till to pay leaving me and Dani "So what did you and Jade do lastnight"

"We watched a movie why do you wanna know about what me and Jade done is it cause you Loveeeee her but can't have herrrrr cause she's mineeeee" she let's out a scoff "what no i just wanted make sure you guys had a good night ya know" i nod smiling at her "speaking of Jade mom said she was with you guys so where is she" she asks looking around "she is em gone back to her place something game up and she had to leave.

Once we got home i went straight up to my room and dived onto my bed it still smells like Jade i grab the pillow cuddling into which was probably the worse thing to do because now all i can think about is Jade i mean maybe she got pissed off because i didn't tell her what was wrong maybe she thought i was still angry at her and sometimes when she gets angry she will either smash the place up go into a screaming match with someone or drink and i know this sounds bad but i hope it was the first one because if she drinks i don't know what coukd happen she doesn't think straight when she drinks and maybe she could i don't know hook up with Lauren again i mean im praying that won't happen but i don't know after all that thinking i burst out into tears, im pretty sure i cried for about 3 hours.

I turn over and look at my clock and see its 10pm "HEY LAUREN THERES SOMEONE DOWN HERE TO SEE YOU"
I groan getting out of the bed no caring if my make up is all over my face and my hair is a mess i walk up to the door to see Jade standing there with one flower "h-hey" i say walking up to her "babe im really sorry i should have told you that me and Lauren talked but i just didn't want to bring it up i wanted us to have a nice night so i don't know i just im really sorry i don't know what else im meant to say" she puts her head down i dont say anything because i don't know what im meant to say "i just i i dont know there was no point in me coming" she walks away once she gets to the side walk i run after her even tho its pouring rain "why can't you admit it" she turns arkund and looks at me confused just like she did earlier when i left her "Admit what"
"You have feelings for her"

"I don't Lauren why don't you believe me"

"Because i know you and i know how you act when you have feelings for someone wheter they're tiny they're there and i Just want you to admit it to me because i know you know you have feelings for her"

"Fine okay i admit it i have feelings for her but it's only because she was there for me when no body else was i guess i just i don't feelings were devolped but you you're the one i Love Lauren Cimorelli you are the most amazing and precious thing in my life and im not gonna throw the most amazing people in my life because of a girl i met and slept with you mean way to much to me and you need to reaise this" she hands me the flower before kissing my head "I....Love....You...."

I look up at her and smile "I Love You Too" a car comes speeding by nearly hitting Jade causing her to jump up onto the sidewalk "Marry me" i shoot my head back up to her "What did you just say"

"Marry Me" she gets down on one knee kneeling in a puddle

"Jade I-"

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