Chapter 14

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Jade's P.O.V

Life sucks when ya got a brace on your foot and a cast on your arm not to mention you look like frankinstein because you got stitches all up in your face and bruises.

"So what time's your appointment"
Lauren asks snapping me out of my thoughts

"Hm oh em half 12 so like we've to leave in an hour"

She nods "oh and em what are you going in for i know you told me my minds just gone blank" she says sitting infront of me

I lift my eyes from my laptop "im getting my stitches in my lip and mouth out"

Her lips turn to a smile


"I can get more than just a peck and everytime we kiss you wont hiss in pain but what about the rest of your stitches"

I just shrug causing her to close my laptop "Hey i was looking at something"

"Well now you can look at me" she says placing the back of her hand underneath her chin and winking "what were you looking at anyway"

"Apartments i think i found a pretty good one theres an extra room incase one of our siblings wanna stay over or something theres room and the walls sound proof so no noise complaints plus its got such a good view i love it i think it's perfect for me and theres a basketball court and stuff so yeah"

She just nods "okay then get that one but we gotta go now so come on"

She seems kinda pissed i mean its not like im moving far im moving 20 minutes away so i dont understand what her problem is like im not going to leave her but if thats what she thinks im gonna have to talk to her.
I want her to move in with mr but i know she'd say no so i'll keep my mouth shut for now.

"How do you feel now" she asks me while we walk back to the car "my mouth feels weird" i say making weird faces "hmm suits your personality i guess"

That was my first time seeing her smile this morning maybe she's in a good mood and i could possibly ask if whats wrong or if maybe she wants to move in to the apartment as well if her parents let her, play it safe ask the right question Jade.

"Babe em i was wondering em about this whole apartment thing em do you like maybe wanna move in with me" she just continues concentrating on the road she looks like she is contemplating of its a good idea or not. "But you know if yiu think its to soon just forget i asked"

"No no no i mean yeah its soon but like maybe start small like a drawer or something"

"Right em yeah that would make more sense im meeting up with the landlord today so if you wanna come you are more than welcome and i want you to know me moving has nothing to do with not wanting to stay in your house i heard you and your parents talking about and its a kind gesture and all but you guys are a family that is a family home not family and girlfriend but also me moving won't change us we can still do our weekly things some nights you come over to mine and some nights i go over to yours but we won't change because of it so please don't think"

We stop at a red light and she looks over at me "i know baby i love you"

I peck her lips before the lights turn green and we continue to drive back to hers

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