*Laurens P.O.V* I wake up sunggled into Jade whos surprsingly already awake going on her phone "Good Moring" she smiles "i see you posted a picture of me asleep on insta ya creep" she chuckles "Maybe im a secret creep and i just havent shown you that side of me yet" i wink at her i see her blush slightly "anyway change of subject what are your plans today" she asks sitting up so she can look at me properly "nothing im gonna have a lazy day what about you" "Helping Dani with something i dunno what it is if im being honest" I swear the second she finished what she was saying Dani ran in and jumped on us "why are yous in bed together?" "Cause your sister is a wimp and can't sleep by herself" i elbow Jade in the ribs causing her to groan in pain "am not" she rolls her eyes in response knowing of said anything id hurt her again. Dani gives us a weird look "anyway Jade come on your meant to be taking me to the Mall so lets go lady" she nods "let me just get dressed okay" "Can we go get your hair cut while were there" "Whats wrong with my hair" she says putting her hands on her head "hello there billy raye cyrus" dani says laughing we both start singing "i want my mullet back" Jade crosses her arms lets out a huff "Oh go get dressed ya big baby" i say ruffling her hair she smiles then walks out of my room grabbing her bag the walking into my bathroom to get ready. She walks out wearing a pair of black jeans a white black t-shirt that says "i want you to know someone cares not me but someone" and a pair of black vans with a beanie that says bad hair day. "You ready dweeb" she says picking Dani up causing her to go into a fit of laughter kicking her legs in the air "okay were going now bye Laur" Jade says leaving *** Im currently watching Say Yes To The Dress with Lisa I don't know why but i've felt really weird around her lately its weird.
"So how come Jade's been sleeping in with you lately?" She asks turning the TV off and facing me "em well i didn't wanna be alone the other night and last night we were watching a movie and stuff" "Don't mess with her head Lauren" What does she mean by dont mess with her head "what do you mean?" She scoffs "can't you see Lauren Jade likes you scratch that she loves you why else would she of done everything for you" "If Jade likes me so much why was she kissing you huh" lisa looks at me wide eyed "yeah thats what i thought so is this new boyfriend just a cover up for you dating Jade and you're just to scared to tell mom" "H-how did you know kissed?" "I seen you through the window" okay that just slounds plain creep "But to answer your question No me and Jade are not dating and i dont know why we kissed but Lauren believe me when i say that girl is in love with you so just let her know whats happeing and stop messing with her head" wow im speechless i havent a clue what to say. Lisa gets up and as if it was timed Jade and Dani walk in and might i say Jade looks kinda cute with her Hair cut no Lauren stop thats your bestfriend "hey Lo i got you a little something" she waits till Dani leaves before taking a Victorias secret bag out of a Forever 21 bag "what in the-" she cuts me off "shhhh and open it" she says sitting right beside me. I open up.the bag to see a light blue tracksuit
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And a few bottles of perfume "jade you shouldn't have this is way to much" she just shakes her head in response we sit in silence for a while until she turns and looks at me "Lauren i need to tell you something and i don't know if your gonna like it" i kind of already know what shes gonna say she takes a breath "i really real-" i cut her off by kissing her she was shocked at first but eased into and by my surprise she deepend the kiss we pulled away when we needed air she looks at me shocked.
"So you like me ey" i say she slowly nods "good" i say before kissing her again our kiss gets interupted by Dani shouting for jade "JADE COME ON ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME WITH MY COSTUME OR NOT" She pulls away i instantly miss the feeling of her lips on mine "I better go help dani" she gets up and starts to walk away "Hey Jade" she turns back around "You gonna sleep with me again tonight" she nods and smiles before begining to walk away again.
"Hey lady scootch over" i hear jade say as she walks in my room "it is half one in the moring and your only done now" she nods "exactly why arent you asleep" "I was waiting for you doofus" she smiles and gets in beside me getting me snuggle into her "goodnight Jade" "Goodnight Lo"