Chapter 16

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Jade's P.O.V

I wake up on a couch i quickly lift ny head and look around i see a pizza box on the coffee table i must have fallen asleep but wheres Lauren.

"Morning" she says apearing from her bedroom
"I was gonna wake you up but you were in a very deep sleep so i just left you"
"Oh em thanks" i look at my phone and see 28 miss calls from Lauren. Shit shit shit
"Em i have to go but i'll call over later domething" before she can say anything i run back into my apartment and call Lauren it rings 3 times before she picks up
"Hello" she says sounding kinda pissed
"Hey babe"
"Oh now you decide you want to talk to me why didn't you answer your phone all day yesterday"
"When i was about to go to the store i seen a girl who was struggling to carry her boxes cause she was moving in so i helped her bring her stuff in and then i ended up helping her put things together but then i fell asleep i am so so so sorry babe"
"You have a new neighbour whats she like"
"Em shes pretty nice and funny"
She hums in response "we're about to start sound check so i'll em call you later"
"Oh em yeah okay bye i l-" she hangs up before i could finish.
Wow thats weird no i love you and she still sounded pissed after i explained the reason i didnt answer my phone UGH GIRLS I SWEAR.

I've been laying on my couch for two hours bouncing a tennis ball off the wall. Ugh i still need to go shopping maybe Lauren could tag along i mean she doesnt have any food or anything so she needs to go shopping im sure. I get up of the couch and go across to her apartment.

I knock on her door and a few seconds later she opens it with a smile on her face "hey Jade"
"Hey im gonna go food shopping do you wanna come with?"
"Sure let me grab my purse"

"So how come you moved here" i ask as we walk around the store
"I really dont know for some reason ive always wanted to live here and i had the oppurtunity so i took and right now im thinking it wasnt a bad idea"

"What do you mean"
"Nothing" she shakes her head "you know we've been talking about me for over an hour tell me a bit about you"

"Well em my Name is Jade Johnson I go to school at Riverdale high i have a girlfriend who is also called Lauren and em i play basketball aint much to tell if im being honest"

"Wait how old are you"

"I turned 18 last month im graduating next Thursday i was held back a year soo ya" she just nods "so what about you how old are you" i ask starting up the car " I just turned 19"

"Wheres your girlfriend"

"She's on tour right now but shes coming back early thursday for my graduation since she has until sunday off"

"Awh thats sweet"

"Yeah shes amazing" i say probably smiling like a fool
We pull up in the parking lot and walk up to our floor "so i guess ill see you tomorrow Night Lauren"
"Night Jade"

Im freaking out i have to leave in less than a half hour and Laur isnt here i've been trying to call since 2am and her phone was on for the first 2 hours and then all of a sudden it turned off so i don't know whats going on. I run across to Laurens apartment and knock
"Hey" she says opening the door "h-hey" shes wearing a black leather dress with a bit of the chest and stomach see through "everything okay is Lauren here" i shake my head "oh em is she on her way" again i shake my head it's like im lost for words im trying to speak but i cant.

" i can't wait any longer or else im going to be late maybe she's caught in traffic and her phone is dead or something she'll probably come in half way through are you ready" she nods and we walk out to my car.

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