Chapter 7

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Lisa's P.O.V
I wake up curled into Jade's side I look up to see Lauren putting Jades hoodie on and storming out Whats her Problem? well Lisa it could be the fact that you walked in on whatever was happening Last night and that caused Lauren to not get any. "Wheres Lauren" Jade groans "i think she went down stairs" she nods and starts to rub her eyes to wake up a bit. She pulls the covers off us the cold instantly making me shiver "you coming or are you just gonna stay in the bed" she asks motioning her head towards the door I get up and follow her out but turn into my room so i can change into a pair of sweat pants and a different top.

I walk into the kitchen to see Jade and Lauren talking but it was like a whisper that was until Lauren seen me and she just ate her cerial. Nick runs into the back of "Hey nick" i smile "hey lisa em is Jade in there" i nod "exscuse me" he says running into her "will you please play video games with me please please please" she looks at Lauren "Nick get Joey or Christian to play" Lauren says "They're not here so please Jade" i walk in "i'll play Nick why dont you leave Jade and Lauren alone and let them have their breakfast" he chuckles "No offense Lise but your Crap at video games"
"Ok ok how about this the four of us play" Jade says looking around at everyone "Yeah okay" nick says.
Nick sits on the floor and Jade sits on the couch i see theres a space on the other side of her "Move up" Lauren says making Jade go up to the edge of the couch guess ill just sit on the floor.

"Okay so teams" before Nick coukd even finish Lauren jumps in "Im with Jade"
"Hey i wanted Jade" he whines
"Too bad you can have Lisa"
He lets out a sigh "how about this so until the first time we die i Switch from being with Lauren to Nick then second time i go with Lisa sound fair" we all nod. "Im gonna get some snacks and drinks you guys want anything" i say standing up "ill help" Jade follows me into the kitchen "okay we need a plan we have to destroy them" i shake my head at her childishness "hey lady this ain't a joke" as i walk over to the cubboard i slip on some spilled water before i could hit the ground i fill Jade catch and help me up "your just lucky you werent holding the drinks or woukd of gladly let you fall" she laughs helping bring everything into the living room. Once we get in Lauren shoots me a dirty look okay what is up with her yes i walked in on something im sure she didnt want me to and yes we had a bit of an agrguement but thats no reason for her to act the way she is. After the game finished mom came home and made Lauren go put clothes away and mom and Jade went out to look at the garden and see if anything else needs to be done this is the perfect time to go see whats wrong with Lauren. I knock on the door "come in" i walk in "oh now you knock what do you want" wow harsh much "what did i do im sorry i just walked in yesterday i thought you had gone out with Amh and just thought Jade was in here because she wasn't in the Living room" she puts her head back "That's not why im mad im mad because i heard you talking to Dani saying you knew i liked Jade and guess what yes you were right when i was with Scott i liked Jade alot and you knew that and you still kissed her even tho you knew i liked and she liked me" she says tears streaming down her face a mix of amger and sadness "She kissed me to Lauren and then she kissed me again"
"She was hurt Lisa if she wanted to be with you she would be but shes not shes with me and i don't know why im so mad about this we weren't together when it happened but it hurts knowing that your sister kissed the girl you like knowing you like her"
Shes right im horrible i shouldn't have kissed her i leaned Jade reacted and yeah she was hurt "Lo im so sorry you have every right to be mad at"
"Can we just forget about all of it and act like it never happened" i nod and walk over wrapping my arms around her "im sorry"she mumbles into my shoulder *Knock knock*
"Hey laur can i come in" Jade asks from the other side of the door "y-yeah" she walks in and gives Lauren a concerened look "em so Lauren Were shooting that video when you and Dani are finished school tomorrow okay" she nods and i leave giving them some privacy before i could even leave Lauren ran straight into Jades arms.

Jade's P.O.V
"Are you okay" she just cries harder into my shoulder i rub small circles on her back "it's okay shh it"s gonna be okay"
After a few minutes i hear faint snores i lay her down and but tge duvet over her and kiss her head before leaving and going into Dani "hey dan wanna do something" she looks up from her phone "like what" i shrug "up to you we could go to the movies or bowling or the mall" she shakes her head im going out but could you help me pick an outfit "no no no im not good with clothes i wear whatevers clean ask Lisa she's down stairs" i say backing out of her room "Jade please" i can't say know id feel bad "fine"

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