Chapter 2

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Jade's P.O.V
So after a long time of waiting me and Lauren are starting to talk a lot more a lot more.
"You should come over to my house today and maybe we could work on our Science project or just chill" she giggles i look away from locker and nod "yeah sure ill call my brother to let him know ill be home late"

T:what is it Jade
J:nice to talk to you to but im just calling to let you know ill be home late im going to my friend Laurens house
T:are you and carly still fighting is this your way of making her jealous
J:No were not fighting we are slowly solving our differences
T:okay whatever bye
Before i clould say anything he hung up.

"Shall we" "we shall" we link arms and walk out the school the doors and once the breeze hit my i instantly felt relaxed. I feel Carly's and her friends eyes on us as we walk by please dont say anything please please please dont say anything i pray in my head "Jade can we talk" she grabs my arm as i walk "ill go wait in the car" Lauren says as she continues walking. Its time to brace myself "Is this your way of trying to make me jealous because were not on the best terms you're prancing around with her" she says in a rather harsh tone pointing her finger at Lauren "Come on if you think she is a upgrade your sadly mistaken im ten times better than her i mean does she even speak and ugh don't get me started so how about we just forget about her and go back to my place and have a little fun" she pulls me closer to her wrapping her arms around my neck. Did she just oh wow no no no I push her off me "okay lets get this straight Lauren is Amazing and yes she does talk she is so funny and interesting dont you ever talk bad about her again and to answer your question yes i do think she's better than you so Carly i hope you have a nice life cause im done with your shit" I turn and walk to Lauren's car "hey what was that about you seem angry" she sends me a sympathic smile god that smile kills me "yeah ill explain later"

"So you're telling me you guys were argueing cause yous were in a bit of a fight and she thought you were using me to make her jealous" i nod "pretty much" it stays quite for a couple of seconds "you weren't using me to make her jealous right" i snap my head up so im looking at her she has her head down i take my pointer finger and my thumb and raise her head so shes looking at me "of course im not your a great girl Lauren i wouldn't do anything to hurt you" she sends me a smile before her sister lisa comes in with her a phone "Lauren Scotts on the phone"

Lauren gets up and walks out into the hall and lisa takes a seat beside me. I've been here enough im comortable to talk to Lisa and stuff im pretty comfortable around the whole family but mainly Lisa. "So what did i walk in on" she says wiggling her eyebrows and nugging me with her elbow "Nothing nothing" she smiles at me "so im guessing scott is gonna ask lauren out as per usual last minute" lisa slowly nods as lauren comes in going straight to her closet "so your going on a date im gonna leave" i stand up but Lisa pulls me back down "No stay we can watch a movie" i smile.
"okay okay im going em dont wait up bye Jade" she ruffles my hair

"J-Jade s-stop" lisa says between laughs as i tickle her she continues to squirm resulting in us falling off the couch as she is hoovering over me we stare in eachothers eyes and before i knew it our lips crash together moving perfectly in sync we pull away when we need to catch our breath we stay like this with our foreheads pressed against eachother

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