Chapter 15

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Jade's P.O.V

So I moved into my Apartment like last month and I finally finished everything Lauren left for tour yesterday so we basically spent the day watching movies and cuddling but we ate all the food so now i gotta go to the store and stock up.

I walk out side my door and see a girl with long black hair struggking to hold some boxes all of a sudden one of the boxes fall i catch it before it could hit the ground "here let me help you"i take the key from her hand and unlock her door for her "Thank you so much" she walks into her apartment i follow her in just so i could put the box down "you can just put it anywhere" she places the boxes that were in her arms on the ground so i just put mine beside her's "im Lauren by the way" she sticks her hand i put ny hand in hers and we shake "im Jade and im guessing you are moving in" she nods "yeah the movers had to go so they kinda just left all my stuff on the side of the street haha" she laughs "i can help you if you want"

"No you go get on with your day i-" i cut her off "stop ill help lets go get the rest your stuff" she just nods and walks ahead of me.

Once we got all the boxes up we start unpacking stuff "quick question are you any good with construction stuff" she asks while we put the dishes in the presses "yeah i'd say im pretty good why what you need me to do"

"Well my bed needs to be made and im terrible at making things so would you mind helping with that" i nod "you finish the kitchen and i'll go get my tool box"

"Hey beds made do you need me to do anything else" i didnt realise how quick we we're getting everything done like it took me ages to do everything but i guess i was a cripple and my Lauren wasnt around to help because she was getting ready for tour "em nope that's everything i just gotta set up my room then im done im gonna order a pizza you want some"

"Hmmm em yeah sure why not"
Once she orders the pizza we just finish off putting things in her room just she would have everything done instead of doing it tomorrow.

A/N this was just a filler chapter so fifth Harmony won't be in it since not to ve bad but i dont really like them but i like lauren and JarianaIsHoly asked for Fifth Harmony to be it so this was a compermise i guess lol

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