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Jewel's POV ( February 1, 2017) ( 6pm)

I knew moving  in my best friend Tehya was a bad idea. She is lazy, messy and inconsiderate but I still find a way to love her. " Tehya!!!! Can you turn that loud ass metal music down I'm trying to learn my lines for this play tomorrow!!!" I can't even study in peace. I know Tehya is going through some hard times right now, I mean the girl has been catching hell lately and I feel so bad for her. Tehya's mother just passed away last year and her dad just had heart surgery. Plus, she is on the verge of losing her scholarship.

She couldn't stay on campus anymore and doesn't have money to get her own place so she has been living with me for awhile. I don't mind but then again I do, I'm kinda OCD and I like my space, but I haven't gone through what Tehya has gone through and the least I can do is help her out.

I got up from my bed and went into the living room to find her sprawled out on the couch smoking a blunt , zoned out to some metal music she likes.  She had her eyes closed so she couldn't tell I was right in front of her. I cut the music off , causing her to sit straight up. " What the hell Jewel I was listening to that!" She rolled her eyes and puffed more of her blunt and blew the smoke my way. I fanned the smoke and turned to her " Tehya I know times have been hard for you but you can't stay holed up in here smoking all day." She laughed at me blowing smoke from her nose "Says who? You? Perfect Patty?"

I hate when Tehya does that. I am not perfect by any means. I'm a troubled person just like everyone else I can just hold my shit together and face this world head on. " Tehya you can say what you want about me but truth is I don't run from my feelings, I face them head on and I get up and chase my dreams. Life is hard no lie but laying in your sorrows all day makes it harder for you to cope." And with that she was up and on her way out the door. "Tehya where are you going?!" I followed her to the front door. " I don't need to hear this shit right now I'm going to the bar to get a drink, don't wait up." "Tehya wait-" And before I could finish she was gone.

Tehya's POV (February 1, 2017) (6:45 pm)

New York City was my dream, it has always been my dream. I envisioned this city to be my imagination's playground , for this city to feed my creative soul but ever since I have been here I have been uninspired, depressed, numb and lifeless. I don't have any desire to write music, sing, or even go to class. I did find my desire in drinking and partying. My first two years in NYC I was tame, I went to all my classes, wrote amazing songs, and had a good time doing all of that. Now at 21 I just don't feel that, I feel grey and like life is moving all around me but I'm at a standstill. To make matters worst my best friend and my queen died.

My mom's death hurt me to the core, it was happening for some months she was battling cancer hard but I just couldn't face it and now she is gone and I'm so lost. Part of me wants to go back to Germany but I can't its too many bad memories there. My new hobbies in NYC that have been temporarily filling up my empty soul is partying and drinking. It was light in the beginning but when I found out my mom passed at the end of last year I lost it, and dived in heavy to the party scene. Staying out all night, drinking any and everything in sight, waking up not knowing where I was or who I was , got to me.

What really slowed me down was waking up in a hospital bed  being told I almost died from alcohol poisoning, that day I didn't care if I died, but I remember my mom telling me no matter what happens to her to keep going and to make my dream come true. I promised her I would do that and I never break my promises.  So now I'm trying to figure this mess I call my life out.

I walked in into Hellfire Annie's and ordered my usual Whiskey Sour. While sitting their staring into space waiting on my drink my phone wouldn't stop going off. It was of course Jewel. I love Jewel like a sister but sometimes she can be very hard to relate to and talk to. I know that its not her fault she has famous , rich parents and has not gone through nearly as much as me but, I still feel a bit of a disconnect between us. I use to love her positive, go get em attitude but as of late it has been getting on my nerves. I looked at my phone go off again and decided to ignore her call but shoot her a quick text.

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