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(Tehya's POV) ( A week after the trip)

"Babe, are you still high from Amsterdam, cuz I am." I said as I sit up on the couch.

"Ha, Yeah and I just smoked some shit we had left over."

"I miss it there, shit just felt so free and chill. Good vibes."

"I miss you." He said as I heard shuffling in the background.

After the Amsterdam trip me and Eli have been inseparable. It's like a whole new world for me because I've never been this attached to one human being before, besides my mom. I usually don't let people get too close because I know they will leave me eventually so it's easier that way. But, I just couldn't help but get close to Eli, he is the best thing that's happened to me since moving to New York. He understands me and accepts my flaws and faults and I can honestly say I give him the same feeling in return. I care about him.... shit.

"I miss you too Eli. Wow I sound so corny like a freaking lame man. See how you got me acting, I thought I was just dickmitized but it's way more than that." I say laughing and going to the kitchen to get a snack.

"I know you love this dick babe. It's alright."

"Shut upppppp, bird chest ass"

"Okay bobble head."

"My head is perfectly shaped and proportionate to my body thank you." I say, pulling out some Chinese take-out from last night.

"Yeaaaah sure, lemme guess your about to heat up some take-out that's been in the fridge for like a month.

How did he do that? To know me that well.

"Actually sir, I think it's only been in here for a week soooo you don't know me as well as you think."

" Don't eat that shit your gonna get the bubble guts."

"I have a cast-iron stomach, ill be fine. I once ate a chili- cheese dog that I got from Coney Island and it was in the fridge for 2 months. And guess what happened when I ate it?"


"Nope, it was a shit fest in the bathroom for sure but I didn't go to the ER so hey, everything worked out fine in my eyes."

"Your a mess babe. Kinda gross, but that's why I love you."

LOVE???? We haven't even been dating that long for the L- word to come into play.

"Well, I gotta go get ready to head to class. Ill call you later." I said hoping he would hurry up and hang the phone up.

" Liar. You don't have to say it back Tehya. I just wanted you to know that. I'll talk to you later though."

I sighed "Okay bye."


This was all so much, I've never been in a relationship nor have I've been told I love you by someone. It's not like I don't like or care about Eli cuz I do. However, I can't act like I love him because I don't really know what love is. My brain is filled with confusion right now. I need Jewel's advice.

As soon as I sat down to eat the leftovers, Jewel came rushing into the door. She looked frantic and in a hurry.

"Hey, Juju. You won't believe what just happened to me."

"Not now Tehya. I have to find my script for class." She said ransacking the house for it.

"Oh okay, where was the last place you had it?" I ask concerned.

" I don't know but can you get off your ass and help me find it maybe?!" She said in a annoyed tone.

Jewel has always been a snappy, blunt person but every since finding out she is pregnant and talking to Tyler she has become a more nasty version of herself. I try to sympathize with her and not push her buttons because she is going through a lot. Her once positive, optimistic energy has since turned cold, anxious, and hopeless. It's sad to see someone you care about become hardened due to life. So, I hoped things get better for her.

"Maybe it's under the couch ?" I said getting down on the ground to look.

"It's not a pair of earrings its a script! Why would it be under the couch?!" She yelled.

"I don't know Jewel. I'm just trying to help." I said holding my hands up in surrender.

Damn I didn't know shit was that bad.

"Just forget it, go back to doing whatever the hell it is you do around here." She said as she went into her room and slammed the door.

Her bad mood killed my vibe, I took my food and trashed it since it was old anyways and grabbed my purse and phone heading out the door. I walked to the bus stop and dialed Marcus up to see what he was up too, I just needed some good energy and Marcus was usually the one who had it. A couple rings later and I got his voicemail. I shrugged it off and figured he was in class or studying or some shit like that. My next stop was CJ's job, maybe I can get a tat and some food.

After getting on the bus and arriving at the tattoo shop I walked in to be greeted by this busty, reception desk girl.

"Hey, what's up? How can I help you?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Hey. I'm good on the Tatts. Is CJ here?"

"Umm yeah I think he is. Are you his girlfriend?"

"Ew the fuck. NO. I'm his sister. I wanna talk to him about something, is he tatting someone right now?"

"I think is just about to finish someone up. I'll go check. You can have a seat." She said pointing the waiting area then walking to the back.

Scorpion's Tattoo shop was small and a little old but the artwork and the colors were amazing. The shop was a variation of different reds and had scorpions and snakes all over the shop. Murals and paintings, it was like stepping into a different dimension every time you came in here.

" He is done, you can go back now. He has an appointment in 30 minutes though, just to let you know."

"Alright thanks." I said getting up to head to the back.

"Hey." The receptionist said catching my attention.


"I think your gorgeous and was wondering if you would like to maybe go out sometime." She said biting her lip while looking me up and down.

She was fine no lie about it but I don't swim in that direction.

"Thanks.. uh.."

"Kat." She said perking up and poking her chest out.

"But, I don't go that way. Thank you for the compliment though and your beautiful yourself."

"Well that's too bad I was hoping we could enjoy each other's company. Maybe I could change your mind?"

"Uh, not sure about that. But, you have a good day. " I said walking to the back where CJ's station was.

"Hey man." I said snapping in his face to get his attention.

He had his earbuds in jamming out, while cleaning up his area.

"CJ!" I said tapping his shoulder.

"Fuck. You scared me Tehya. I didn't know you were coming by here." He said taking his earbuds out and clutching his chest.

"Dramatic ass." I said laughing. "But, I was going to call my phone died while I was on the bus. I was at home chillin and Jewel busted in on some bullshit and killed my vibe so I left. Needed to clear my head anyways."

"Yeah I get you. What's up with her anyways? She has been dodging my calls and when we do talk she always has an attitude."

I was now caught in between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to tell CJ cuz he was like family and could definitely keep a secret however, Jewel has only told me so far about this pregnancy so telling anyone else would violate her privacy and our girl code.

"Man I don't know maybe hormones or something."

"Hmm well you would know more about that then me."

"Aha yep. OH! guess who tried to get with me like just now."

"Andre's stupid ass?"

"No, the front desk girl."

"Kat? Oh yeah she's always hittin on the girls that walk in don't pay her any attention."

"Aw man so Im really not special huh?"

"Sorry hate to break it to ya."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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