GX Rivalshipping #1

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A/n: Hey guys, it's Ari, Aly's Yami self! I love this couple, don't you? I think it's adorable, so I'm hacking little miss Aly's account to give this to you guys.

Enjoy! Listen to the video while reading if you will.

Chazz's POV:

I started around campus, trailing my feet behind me. Why does life have to be so complicated?  I thought, my eyes roaming the forest, hoping for a distraction, a freshie maybe to duel. Instead, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who, Chazzaroo?" a voice said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "Hm, slightest scent of fried shrimp, childish hands, it couldn't be Jaden, no way, I'm gonna say Syrus?"

The boy behind me laughed. "Nice try, Chazz, but it's me, Jaden!"

Again, eye roll. "THAT WAS SARCASM! GOT THAT?"

Jaden laid his head on my shoulder, chuckling. "So Sarcasm returns?"


Jaden was always like this, playfully teasing me. I'd never had any reason to call it flirting.

But I wish it was.

My secret was that I was in love.

And not with Alexis.

I loved a certain brunette Slifer.

The first time I'd felt my heart skip a beat around the slacker, I'd wondered was was wrong with me- I had never had romantic feelings toward a guy! Eventually I learned to accept myself, although I was teased around campus for just being myself.

Jaden just seemed so..........perfect. I liked to imagine us dueling, and Jaden giving me pointers, and me thanking him with kisses.

Back to what was happening, Jaden had disappeared, as usual. He was quick.

That night, I laid in bed, thinking of what I would do. I'll tell him tomorrow, and I can't chicken out, or I'll be a chicken forever.


I slowly rolled out of bed, hitting the snooze button. "Good morning boss!" Ojama Yellow said excitedly. "So is today the day? Is it? Is it?"


Yellow shut up, but he settled right in his favorite spot- my hair! "Hey boss, are you gonna tell that Jaden kid ya love him? Are ya? Are ya?"


Yellow was relentless. "And boss, are ya gonna tell him about the dream you had where you swept him off his feet and threw him onto your bed and-"


"And you're gonna tell him that you love him, you're gonna tell Jaden right?"

A throats cleared somewhere. I looked up from my laptop to see Jaden standing in the doorway, leaning up against the door, looking rather adorable.

"J-Jaden!" I exclaimed, slamming the laptop shut and grabbing Ojama Yellow. "How-how long have you been standing there?"

Jaden walked over to the table and sat on it, pushing my laptop to the side. He swung his legs over the table so his feet were resting on my knees.

"Long enough," he said, grabbing my face gently and pressing his lips to mine. I stiffened, frozen. I made a mental note to both strangle and thank Ojama Yellow later.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I pushed myself up so I could kiss him back, his arms around my neck, mine around his waist. I pulled Jaden onto my lap, smirking. When we broke for oxygen Jaden said, "Chazz Princeton, I love you."

I sighed hearing him say it. "I love you too, Jaden Yuki."

Hope all Rivalshippers enjoyed! :)

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