Spiritshipping #1

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Jaden/Jesse: ....

Haou/Jehu: .....

Aly: *eyes go gold* WHO INVITED YOU TWO?!?!?!

(That was the Dark Princess coming out in her)

Haou: *stands up to his full height* Oh, I don't know, the story title?


Haou: *purrs under his breath* hmph.

Jehu: Oh, don't be like that, Haou-kun. She's putting it in the nicest way possible for her.

Jesse: Y'all still need to get out.

Aly: They may as well serve a purpose while they are here- doing the disclaimer!

Haou: I'm not doing the fu-

Aly: !!!!!!!!

Haou: I mean, Aly doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX.

Jehu: If she did, Jaden and Jesse would make out in every episode.

Ari: If I owned it, Chazz and Jaden would make out in every episode.

JJ: If I owned it, I'd be in it and make out with Zane every episode.


JJ: What?

Aly: *sighs* If I owned it, you know who else would make out in every episode? *goes and writes a fanFiction about Ruby Carbuncle and Winged Kuriboh*

Jaden/Jesse: *sweatdrop*

JJ: Is that even possible?

 Jaden's POV:

I pushed my homework across the table, yawning. Jesse was supposed to be here ten minutes ago for a study session!

The door burst open, and Jesse exploded into the room, panting. "Sorry, Jay!" my best friend said.

"It's chill, Jess," I responded, playing with a pencil, twirling it.

Jesse flopped down, yawning. "But man, am I tired!" he added.

I nodded in agreement. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, then Jesse cleared his throat. "Okay, Jaden, let's get to this!"

He pulled open his bag, taking out several items. A textbook, a stopwatch, and a water bottle.

"What's the stopwatch and water for?" I asked.

Jesse held up a hand, then drank the water until it was around one-third full. "We have fifteen seconds to answer the question the other person asks. If we get it wrong or don't flip the bottle and land it in three tries," he gulped slightly, "well, Atticus taught me this. I wasn't to keen to get too many wrong."

"What do you have to do then, Jesse?" I asked quizzically.

The Obelisk muttered, "You have to take off an article of clothing."

I laughed. "Well, that's a reason not to get any wrong."

-two minutes later-

"AGH!" I shouted as my third bottle flip fell over. Getting "the look" from Jesse, I shrugged off my Slifer jacket, tossing it onto my bed.

"Okay," Jesse said, nodding to my sheet.

I glanced over the sheet. "All right. Um....how many attack points does Dark Magician Girl have and what is her special effect?"

Jesse cleared his throat. "2000, and, um-"

-fifteen seconds later-

"BEEP!" I shouted, laughing.

Jesse picked up the bottle. One, two, three flips fell over. Jesse pulled off his blue vest, tossing it with my jacket.

-twenty minutes and thirteen seconds later-

(Jaden is down to pants and boxers and Jesse still has everything but the vest)

"Oh, shoot!" Jesse said as he missed the flip. He blushed as he wriggled his shirt over his head, exposing his well toned chest and arms.

"Okay, Jesse," I said, trying to keep the blush off my face. "Your turn to ask me."

Jesse scanned the list. "Okay. So, name the two monsters fused to create Dark Paladin."

"Um, Dark Magician, and um, and, oh boy, uh-"


Jess handed me the bottle, which of course I didn't land. I blushed as I slipped off my pants and set them with my shirt, socks and jacket, leaving me in my boxers.

The next question, Jesse missed, so he threw his socks onto the growing pile of clothes. Lucky.

-fourteen minutes and forty-two seconds later-

(Jaden has somehow managed to answer all questions right and Jesse is still the same as last round)

Jesse's POV:

"All right, Jaden, here goes," I said. "How many attack points does Winged Kuriboh have?"

"Easy," he chuckled, "300!"

I smiled. "Good job!"

Jaden scanned his list. "Jess, you have two questions left and how many do I have left?"


Jaden nodded. "Okay! Here goes nothing. What Type of Monster is Luster Dragon?"


The Kuriboh-haired duelist shook his head. "Nope! Sorry, Jess."

I sighed. "Gimme the bottle."

Flip. Flip. Fl- crash.

"Oh, well," I said, tossing my pants onto the bed.

Jaden blushed and nodded. "'Kay, Jess."

I looked over the list. "Here it is, final question for you. What Attribute is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?"

"That one I know!" Jaden exclaimed. "Light!"

I nodded. "Good."

Jaden read off the last question. "Name one monster with a fire Attribute that is a Machine-Type."

I had to think. When the fifteen seconds were up, Jaden said, "Trick question, no such thing."


I winced as the third bottle flip crashed down. "Oh, boy," I muttered.

"Jesse, it's fine, you don't have to, it's not really required?" Jaden stuttered.

Nodding, I stood up to go get my clothes. Suddenly, Jaden's hand caught my wrist. "But if you really wanted too...." he purred.

Aly: ....wow.

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