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In my opinion, this is a really cute ship but there's no love for it out there! So I'm gonna write a (quote unquote) fabulous oneshot for it!

Let's get to this!

Syrus: Why?

Me: Because I frickin said so.

Tyranno: *covers Syrus's ears* Keep the young ones innocent, Corporal!

Me: *nods* Okie dokey, Major Hassleberry! *salutes*

Syrus: *shakes his head*

Me: *giggles*

Warnings: Okay, we know the drill. Little Marshmallow Sy might hurt himself but we'll hug him because he can pull off Yugi's looks and get away with it! *hugs Sy*


Major_t-rex: Private, what's wrong? You've been in the Ra dorm all day.

OnARoid: It's nothing, Tyranno. I'm fine.

Major_t-rex: No you're not! I'm headed to the Ra dorm now.

OnARoid: No! Don't!

"Shoot!" Syrus exclaimed, dropping his phone and diving for the bathroom. He ran his bloody wrist under the tap water, scrubbing frantically. "Agh!" He winced as the coldness dug into his opened skin.

A knock came on the door. "Private? You in there?"

Syrus shut off the water and held his breath, quietly tiptoeing to the medicine cabinet. He grabbed out a bandage and started wrapping it around his arm, which was already bloody again. Suddenly, his vision went fuzzy and he fell backwards.

"Private!" Tyranno exclaimed from outside the room as he heard a loud thud. He ran as fast as he could to the Obelisk dorms, where a black-clad teen sat, staring up at the sky.

"Truesdale, your brother's in trouble!" he exclaimed, running up to the bluenette.

Zane's gaze shifted slightly and he turned away, shrugging. "Makes no difference to me. One obstacle down on my way to victory."

Tyranno couldn't take it. He bent down and slapped Zane across the face, hard.

"Get your lazy butt up and come and help Syrus!"

Zane ignored him and closed his eyes. "I suggest you get out of my sight before I lose my agreeable nature."

Tyranno gave up and ran back to the Ra dorm. He scaled a vine outside Syrus's window and pushed up the pane of glass, tumbling inside.

The scent of blood was strong in the room. The army-obsessed teen ran right to the entrance of the bathroom, ignoring the sticky red substance that was now on his favorite pair of boots.

The door crashed open and Tyranno gasped. Syrus was laying on the bathroom floor, arms out, a bandage half-wrapped around one. Blood seemed to be everywhere, mainly pooling around the small bluenette. There was so much blood.

Tyranno wasted no more time. He crudely finished wrapping the bandage around Sy's wrist and picked him up, running for the infirmary.

"Hassleberry! What's wrong with Syrus?" Jaden called from the balcony of the Slifer dorm. The younger boy ignored him and kept running.

Finally, Syrus was safe in the infirmary, cuts stitched up. Miss Fontaine was glad that Tyranno had gotten him there so quickly.

"A few more minutes and he may have died. Thank you," she said, smiling gently.

He nodded and started to leave, but stopped when he heard Syrus shift and whisper, "Ty.....ranno."

A glance to Miss Fontaine and a nod back was all he needed. The nurse left, leaving Tyranno to slowly make his way over to the bed.

Syrus's eyes were open, but unfocused. He stared up at Hassleberry and started to lift one arm.

"Hey, Private," Tyranno replied.

"You.....saved my life," Syrus said, grabbing Hassleberry's shirt. The younger boy took the hint and sat on the edge of the bed.

Suddenly, Tyranno collapsed on top of Syrus, sobbing. "Never ever scare me like that again, Private! If you needed solace you could have come to me, you know!"

Syrus reached up and gently stroked Hassleberry's hair. "I....know. Tyranno.....I have to tell you something important."

Tyranno raised his head. "Yeah, Private?"

"I....I love you," Syrus whispered, sitting up slightly. To Hassleberry's surprise, the older teen hugged him. "I.....want to be with you. But I know you don't feel the same way! I'm sorry, but I still had to tell you!"

Now Syrus was the one who was sobbing, burying his head in Hassleberry's shirt.

Hassleberry's eyes widened. "That's why.....you were hurting yourself? Private, you don't have to do that!"

"It's not just you! It's my brother, too! He's gone for good and it hurts, Tyranno, it hurts!"

The ravenette sighed and pushed Syrus's shoulders back. "Private, stop hurting yourself. I care too much about you, okay?"

Syrus wiped his eyes. "You really.....care, Hassleberry?"

"I love you too, Private," Tyranno whispered, wrapping Syrus in another hug. "I love you!"

Grey eyes widened as Syrus pulled back. Suddenly, he leaned up and kissed Hassleberry's cheek. "Tyranno!"

Hassleberry tilted Syrus's chin up with a hand and gently connected their lips. It was a short kiss, but full of love, and that was what mattered to Syrus.

When the two broke, Syrus smiled and wrapped his arms around Tyranno's neck. "Stay?" he asked, laying back so Hassleberry was laying next to him.

Tyranno smiled. "Always, Compsognathus."

"Comsognathus? What's that?" Syrus asked.

"The smallest dino ever discovered," Hassleberry said with a smirk.

Syrus groaned. "You're lucky my arms and hands are busy, or you'd find a fist sinking into your gut. However....."

Tyranno's eyes widened as Syrus's knee connected with a spot guys really don't wanna get kneed in.


Syrus laughed. "Payback, Major." He wiped some tears out of Hassleberry's eyes and kissed him again.

That was how Miss Fontaine found the boys. Curled up with each other, smiling, with Hassleberry's lips on Syrus's.

"I believe you owe me fifteen bucks," Jaden said, not looking up from his deck. He held out a hand in Atticus's general direction.

"Guess I can't be right all the time," Atticus said with a shrug, giving Jaden fifteen dollars and walking away.

So kawaii~

Hassleberry: Private! Where are you going?


Hassleberry: What fangi- *looks over his shoulder* Oh. Those fangirls. *runs*

Me: *giggles while hiding under a convenient table*

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