Fusionshipping #1

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Aly: -wheeeeeee

Syrus: I let her play with the roids......

Aly: I feel like the roids are telling me what to write!

Truckroid: Beep beep beep.

Aly: Fusionshipping? Mm hm. Okay. Got it. Truckroid says I should write Fusionshipping.

Syrus: *slaps himself to see if he's actually awake* Owwww.......wait, what's Fusionshipping?

Zane: Please, Aly, don't tell hi-

Aly: Jaden and Zane.

Syrus: *slaps himself again*

Zane: *kicks back with popcorn* Tell him again, actually.


Syrus: *stops*

Zane: Awwww, come on!

Aly: .....*cough* abusive older brother *cough*

Zane: .......

Syrus: Just get this started.

Aly: OKAY!!! :D

(This takes place right before the graduation duel.)

Jaden's POV:

"All right! I need to find someone to duel so I can beat Zane!" I exclaimed, glancing around. Syrus backed up a bit, but Chazz hopped down from Chumley's old bunk.

"I'll duel you, Jaden. Of course, I'm equal to Zane in skills, so don't worry, I'm good practice!"

I rolled my eyes a bit, but activated my duel disk.

-5 seconds later-

"I win!" I exclaimed.

"Seriously? One turn?"

"Hey, I'm the main character! I can't lose!"

"I hope that's true tomorrow," Syrus muttered.

-time skip to night-

I flopped onto my bed. "See ya in the morning, Sy!"

"Night, Jay!"

"Night, Chazz!"

"Can it, slacker."

Oh well. Same old, same old.

-middle of the freaking night-

I scramble out of bed. "Man, that's the last time I dip my fried shrimp in ranch and barbecue sauce at the same time!"

My feet take me out the door, down the stairs, to the Obelisk dorms- wait, to the Obelisk dorms?

"Wha- Why did I go here?" I wonder out loud.

"I was beginning to wonder the same thing," a voice says from above me.

I glance up and see Zane standing on his balcony, glaring down at me.

"Oh, hi Zane! What's up?"

"You're not a quiet walker, you know. What are you doing out after curfew?" Zane snaps.


"Sorry bout that," I say, scratching my neck.

Zane waves it off, then swings himself over the rail and slides down the tree. "It's fine. You woke me up at an opportune time actually."



I nod. "I get it, you're hungry. I do that too, one minute I'm dead asleep, the next, I'm eating three servings of pizza."

"Which for you constitutes as three boxes," Zane says, leaning up against the tree. Impulsively, I step closer to him.


"There's a but?"



"But not that kind of craving. I don't like pizza anyway."

"What is wrong with you, Zane?"

"Lots of things. For instance, I figured out recently that I'm gay."

Shock registers on my face. "And you're telling me this because?" It's then that I realize exactly how close I am to Zane. How did I...?

"Because you're the reason I'm gay," he says with a smirk. "I love you, Jaden Yuki.

I swallow slightly, then stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. "I love you too, Zane."

He smiles, then pulls me close to him and kisses me gently. "Jaden."


"Can I walk you back to your dorm?"

"I'm not a girl!" I exclaim.

Zane chuckles. "But you're my new boyfriend, and I don't want anything hurting you."

I glare at him, and he picks me up like a child. "Z-Zane!"

"I don't care if you can walk, you couldn't make it back if you tried. What did you do, eat fried shrimp with ranch and barbecue sauce?"


Zane sighs. "All right, Jaden, we're going back. Now."

I set my head on his shoulder, giving up the argument.

The next thing I know, Zane is setting me on my mattress. "Shh. Go to sleep now."


Syrus is staring at his brother, wide-eyed. "What's going on?"

"Jaden wandered into the wrong dorm area. I brought him back."

"Why were you carrying him?"

"Wouldn't you carry him if he was your boyfriend?"

I hear the door shut, so Zane must have left.

"Boyfriend?" Syrus blurts.

I yawn and roll over. "Go to sleep, Syrus."



"If he hurts you, I'll give him such a whooping-"

"G'night, Sy."

"G'night, Jaden."

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