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I stood at my front door, wondering how my life would change in a few short days. My bags were packed with all of my belongings, and I tightened my ponytail before I dragged the luggage to the car that was waiting outside.

"Noelle, do you want any help with those?" Tom asked, glancing at my large suitcase.

"Thanks for the offer, but I should probably build all of the muscle that I can before I get to school. I'm sure that I'll have to work hard there, one suitcase won't kill me." I grinned as I tried to break some of the tension in the air.

Tom and Harrison had both arrived at my soon to be old house this morning to see me off to the United States. I knew that they both felt weird and uncomfortable with the fact that I was leaving, and I couldn't quite believe it myself. Leaving my best friends to go overseas to a football, or as the Americans called it, soccer academy was not anything that I ever expected. I already missed them terribly, and I hadn't even walked out of the door yet. They had been my best friends since primary school when they accidentally dumped glue all over my head. They spent so much time apologizing through their laughter that I was forced to accept their friendship as a gift. Leaving them behind was going to be difficult, but I wanted a career in football more. It was the opportunity of a lifetime to train in the States, one that I couldn't quite pass up.

"You have to promise to text us all of the time. I mean, who knows what dumb stuff we'll do when you aren't here to stop us." Harrison said, trying to smile.

I ran over to the boys that I had gone through so much with and wrapped my arms around them. "I'll miss you guys. You've been the greatest friends that I could ever ask for." They folded their arms around me, and I felt comforted by the warmth and love that surrounded me. We stood there for at least a minute thinking about the good times that we had had together.

"Noelle, I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time for us to go." My mom opened up the car door and gestured for me to get in. She smiled sadly. "I'll miss you guys too, you've been great friends to my daughter. If you're ever in America don't hesitate to let us know!"

"Bye guys," I said, climbing into the car. "I'll text you when I land."

They waved weakly in response. "I'm sure that you'll kill it over there." Tom said, and Harrison echoed him with words of encouragement.

I smiled and got into the car, holding back tears. Some people say that once they make a decision they never look back, but not me. I kept looking back the whole way, wondering if I had left the best things in my life behind.

old friends • tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now