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I arrived back at the apartment an hour ago and had showered since then, slightly delaying telling Lucy about our company.

I still couldn't believe that this was happening. How could people just pop up out of the blue after four years? I dried my hair as quickly as possible and changed into capris and a t-shirt before walking out into the living room where Lucy sat. "So, Lucy, I have some news," She looked up from her phone expectantly,"we're having some company tonight. Specifically my best friends from England who I haven't talked to since I left until this morning."

She turned to me with wide eyes, "You have got to be kidding me. You met them?"

"Well technically only Tom, I ran into him at the smoothie place. Literally." I smiled at what an amazing coincidence it was that it had occurred, and how awkward we were. "I invited him over tonight, and he's bringing Harrison."

"You're joking. How much time do we have? Do we have to clean up or something? We don't have any food!" She exclaimed, pulling at her ponytail. She had a habit of doing that whenever she got too excited or nervous, something that didn't happen too often.

"Relax, we'll just clean up the apartment and make something easy, spaghetti or something sound good?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me. What are they doing here anyway?"

I thought for a moment, realizing that I didn't really know anything about their lives right now. "He said something about a movie, but I have no idea which one or what type of role he has in it. I'm pretty sure he's not starring though, I'm we would have heard of him if he was."

"Well, there's a great place where you can find all sorts of facts about people." Lucy said sarcastically.

"The internet! I'm such an idiot for not checking sooner. Thanks for being the genius in this friendship Lucy, I don't know what I would do without you." I said with a laugh, reaching for my phone.

old friends • tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now