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1 week after the move
On the phone with Tom
Note: left is Tom and right is Noelle

"Hey, is this a good time?"

"Yeah, anytime is a good time to talk to my best friend! I mean whenever I'm not in school, playing soccer, eating, sleeping, doing homework, etc."

He chuckled softly. "Well, I'm glad to see that the States haven't changed your sense of humor yet. I'll just take that as a yes, this is a good time."

"You're quite the genius, Tom. So, is there anything pressing on your mind?"

"Other than that one of my best friends is living across an ocean?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled at the ceiling while I laid on my bed. I had a lot of good friends, but I had found the best in Tom and Harrison. "But you don't have to keep acting like you miss me. I'm sure that you're happy to be rid of me."

The phone crackled as he gasped dramatically. "I would never!"


"How's school, have you made any friends yet?"

"It's good, the classes are a bit more challenging then back in London but not much. I'm sure I'll do fine. As for friends, my roommate is really nice, her name is Lucy, she's on my team as well. Everyone that I have met is friendly though, and the coaches are great. I really can't complain. However the accents are something else and apparently I keep spelling words wrong. Like the word "colour"apparently does not have the letter "u" here!"

"That's good to hear, but I am sorry that you are dealing with such a difficult language barrier."

"Your sarcasm is one of the things that I will not be missing, kid. How are things there?"

"Same as usual here, nothing much is new."

"Are any good performances starting up?"

"Well, not performances, but The Impossible comes out in September, so I'm kind of on break. Looking for new opportunities and such."

"Well, I'm sure that you'll do something great. The world hasn't seen your best yet, I think. Like maybe you should make a movie about that time you fell down the stairs at Harrison's house. Or when we were on the trampoline and you tried to do a flip and impress the girl walking by but then you face planted. I think that that was some of your best work." I smiled into the receiver.

"Okay, okay, I get it. No need to bring back any more embarrassing memories." I could hear him laughing on the other end, and for a moment where I wished that things had turned out differently.

"Whatever you say, Tom."

"Hey, I hate to do this, but I have school tomorrow and it's already 1 am. I should probably get going."

"Oh I'm so sorry! I forgot about the time change, yeah, you should go to sleep."

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later. Goodnight, Noelle."

"Goodnight, Tom."

I hung up and plugged my phone in before rolling over in bed, pulling my hair into a bun. It was time for me to go to bed as well, I had a full day of school and three hours of practice the next day. It was exhausting and emotionally draining to move, and all that I could do was pray that I had made the right decision.

old friends • tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now