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Hey Noelle! Sorry it's been a bit, I never really know what my schedule is going to look like

What's up?
No worries

I just found out that I have tomorrow off and I've been really hoping to get a tour of the city from a local's perspective. What do you say?


I mean obviously no worries if it doesn't work out
I just figured I'd message you to see

No I think that should work!
Sorry I thought that I had to do errands but I remembered that I can just make Lucy do them haha

Ok great

Is there anything that you particularly want to see?

I'm not sure
I've seen the streets and stuff from filming but I guess I just want the insiders loop

Wait aren't you working with Zendaya?
She would probably know even better than me

So when you asked if there was anything I wanted to see I probably just should have said you
This message failed to send
Don't worry, I think that you can handle it
Besides, she attracts to much press

Ok, tomorrow it is then!
I'll try to hit all of the major sites

Perfect. What time works best?

I'm usually out of the gym and ready by 8 if that works

I'll see you then

Great, can't wait!
Read 6:57 pm


Hey Luc, wanna do me a favor?

ur list is getting long pal

Alrightyyyy I'll work on it
But for now...

this better be good

So tomorrow I'm supposed to get groceries and stuff
But something better came up because I'm cool like that

so u want me to run errands for u again?
just bc ur "cool"

Well more specifically because a certain old friend want a tour of nyc

why didn't u lead w that!!

I wanted to test your love for me
You've failed, again.

well anyway ill do it

Love you pal!! Thanks for being there for me

next week is all you though

Of course and I'll do laundry
❤️ you

have fun! dont get mugged!

I'll try :)
read 9:53 pm

Three updates in 24 hrs?! This is a great day wow haha
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