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@ tomholland1996: so @ noelle gave me a tour of ny and she brought me to a historical site... I'm remembering why we stopped being friends

→ @ noelle: honestly if you can't appreciate my sophisticated level of culture appreciation then don't talk to me

→ @ noelle: also you realize u.s. citizens employ you???? the disrespect smh

→ @ hazosterfield: wait where was my invite?

→ @ harryholland99: hey noelle I'll be your friend if tom is too lame

→ @ tomfan96: tom really is just here for a good time and not an educational time. can't say I blame him

→@ ilovethenwsl: we stan an educated athlete

→ @ zendaya: i still haven't met this legend who is a good influence for tom!!! come to set!

→ @ spideytom: bro i was literally here yesterday what the heck

→ @ tessaandtomfan: the fact that he doesn't even mention it as the iconic Statue of Liberty makes this even funnier

→ @ hollandsareart: so y'all going to the MET next week?

•real life•

It had been a few hours since Tom decided to head back to his hotel, and I was sitting on my bed thinking the day over. We had a really nice day walking around the city, and I decided to show him around Ellie Island. During the trip I realized that I had completely forgotten how much he disliked being lectured on history, but I can't say that it wasn't funny to watch him squirm with impatience. Overall, there had been a few awkward moments of silence but it was a really nice time. We talked about our lives now and how different it was becoming completely new people, in our own respects. The day had ended rather abruptly when he realized that he had to meet with his director that night, but it was still good. I smiled up at the ceiling, thinking about how nice it was to have him back in my life.

Hey everyone! Just popping back in for a quick update, but hopefully some more will come when I'm home for Christmas and done with finals :) in the meantime
I would really appreciate your votes and feedback (including what lengths of chapters you like and the formatting)!

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