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I rolled over in my bed, trying to will myself to sleep for the twentieth time that night. I had been staring at the ceiling for hours, trying to stop my mind from turning. I had so rarely been in a relationship that liking anyone was a strange feeling. If that was what this was. Eventually, I jumped out of bed, hoping that Lucy might still be awake in the living room.

When I walked out of my room she looked up in surprise. "What are you still doing up?"

I pushed my hair back in frustration. "Ok, I think that I'm being really stupid, and I just need you to tell me that I am."

"Okay..." She looked at me, a little puzzled. "Whenever you're ready I guess."

"I think that I might like Tom," I spat the words out quickly, "and I know that I'm probably just being dumb, because I probably just miss him after all of these years. And it's been nice seeing him again. Honestly, that's probably all that this is. It's not like I could compete with all of the beautiful girls who are throwing themselves over him anyway, but I'm sure that we're just better as friends. It's all that we were ever meant to be, right?"

Lucy just smiled at me. "Noelle, honestly I'm amazed that you're just getting here. I love you, but it's pretty obvious that you guys at least have something. There's history, and he's a nice, funny, attractive guy who likes spending time with you. It's no wonder that you like him, especially with everything that you guys have gone through together."

"But we're just friends! That's all we ever have been, and sometimes we haven't even been that."

"And if that's all it will ever be, that's okay too. I'm not saying that you should rush into anything, but don't worry so much about how you feel. See where things go, and feel it out as you go. I promise that it will be fine."

I sighed, knowing that she was probably right. If I was really feeling those feelings, they would become clearer over time. Or I would get over them. Either way, life would be ok. "Thanks Luc, I really appreciate it. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now."

Just as I was closing my door I heard her call after me, "And just so you know, you're just as beautiful as any model I've ever seen." I smiled into the dark, thankful for such a good friend.


I pounded another shot into the back of the net, feeling relieved as it sailed into the left hand corner. I grabbed the next ball in line, putting it the same spot over and over. We had finished practice half an hour ago, and I was left on my own in the stadium. Lucy had left with another teammate to grab food, and I stayed to work a little longer.

After an emotionally draining night, it felt good to be back doing what I was good at. Each ball that went into the back of the net relieved my stress. I always felt calmer after working out, and for the time being, I could just settle down and make myself better. 

Today at practice, coach had mentioned how we needed to shape up before our next game. When he said that, I realized that we were playing our rivals tomorrow, and the game's outcome could likely determine our position going into playoffs. Before the boys came back into my life, I never would have lost track of that game. It would have been my reason to get up and train every morning. I should have been watching tapes three weeks ago. I shook my head, surprised at myself. I knew that the game would be fine, but it worried me how quickly my life had changed. 

After another hour of shooting and footwork drills, I heard my name being called. Lucy and Syd, one of my teammates, were waving at me from the bench. 

"Noelle, its time to go. You can't kill yourself the day before a game." Syd cautioned, coming over to help me pick up my equipment. 

"Yeah, you're probably right. You guys doing anything else today?" I asked the pair.

"We were thinking about going back to your place and watching TV or something, but we would be simply honored if you joined us." 

I laughed, punching her lightly in the arm. "What can I say, I'm a popular gal. But I'll sacrifice some of my valuable time for you." 

We all headed back to the apartment, buzzing with excitement for tomorrow's game. It would be a good one. 


Thank you all for reading : ) as always, if you could spare a vote it would be greatly appreciated. But other than that, I'm really looking forward to this next chapter, so hopefully you are too! See you then!


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