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I looked up from the phone, a little bit shocked. "He was there?"

"Yo, there's no need to screech dude. I am aware of the fact that your childhood crush just spent some of his precious movie star time to go see little old you play, but it's really not a big deal. These things happen all of the time." Lucy looked at me with a grin.

I rolled my eyes at her, trying to maintain a mad expression while choking back laughter. "Well, I'm sorry that none of your old childhood friends became both famous and hot!" I shot back at her.

"There is that one guy from California..."

"Okay, he's not even cute," I gave Lucy a slight shove saying, "You have to remember that not every boy who can stand on a surfboard for thirty seconds is America's Next Top Model."

"You know that he's hot, you just don't want to admit that, for once, I knew a boy before you."

"Unfortunately, I cannot argue with that one." I conceded that the guy actually seemed to be pretty cute, and he was also supposedly a really talented surfer. However, I could never bear to lose a completion, whether it be over who knew the cutest boys or who could eat the most tacos.

"Okay, back to the topic at hand," I opened up my phone and looked back at the post, "do I like it? Do I comment? What level of acknowledgment is too much?"

Lucy let out a sigh. "Honestly, you do not need to overthink everything, Noelle. Do what you want to, I am fully confident that you will make a great decision."

I blew some baby hairs out of my face, delaying the decision making process. Quickly, before I could change my mind, I double tapped on the photo. I realized after reading a few of the comments that exposing myself as someone that he knew at the game may not be the best idea, and could invite a lot of speculations and harassment. Instead, I hit the little message icon in the corner of the post.

DM with tomholland2013

You replied to a post

Hey, were you actually at the game?

Yeah! Harrison and I saw that it was happening and managed to sneak on in

Great goal, it was sick to watch!

Thanks, happy that you were able to make it to a good one

Kind of crazy to think that your off playing at these huge stadiums now

Yeah, sometimes I wake up and am just amazed that I get to do this for a job

I'm just happy that all the sacrifices were worth something

I mean, we sure missed you a ton growing up but I'm glad that it worked out for you

I mean, that goal was clearly not something that just happened overnight

Yeah, it was a lot of work over the years

But I mean you certainly upgraded from being a little tap dancer in primary school

Honestly if I didn't improve I would sure hope that I wouldn't have my current job

True that would be painful to watch

Wait-- you didn't love my acting when I was 5?

Tom I stayed out of theatre just to avoid the second-hand embarrassment from you

In the best way possible of course

Hahahaha no way

I never heard that part of the story

I thought that you had stage fright???

Whoops, cat's out of the bag now!

But ya know, you seem to be pretty cool now so I could probably manage to be seen with you

I still can't believe that you quit to avoid doing theatre with me that's so funny

Oh shoot, I can hear people yelling that they need me for filming

But I plan on taking you up on that offer of being seen with me sometime soon!

Ok, have fun! Text if you wanna hang sometime


I turned off my phone and smiled. The fact that we had just had a completely normal conversation was simultaneously shocking and so normal. I was still comfortable with him after years apart, but it felt exciting to be talking with him again.

"What are you grinning about?" Lucy asked.

"I guess that I just never thought that I would talk to Tom and Harrison again, but now that I have I realized that I missed them a lot. And I'm really hoping to get some of the stuff that we lost back."


Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Be sure to comment and vote :) also I think that I should hopefully be able to update a bit more this week, it's my spring break!

old friends • tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now