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six years later

"Tom! Tom! Here!"

"Noelle, look over here!"

"Tom, are you excited to be a father?"

"Noelle, what's the gender?"

I glanced down at my protruding stomach, resting a hand over it protectively. My back ached from standing in my small heels, but standing with Tom was a slight comfort. He shifted so that he was standing slightly closer to me, his arm fixed securely around my back.

We were at a premiere for Tom's newest movie; after his role as Spiderman premiered the offers for other films poured in. Seeing him be so successful was an amazing experience. He worked so hard at what he did, and he continued to do it with the most humble attitude, no matter what level of fame he achieved. Four years ago, he had popped the question. It was Christmas Eve, and we had taken a trip into the city. Just as we were walking home, we stopped to look at the large Christmas tree at the Rockefeller center. By the time I looked back at him he was down on one knee. We were married the following year, and it had been the most wonderful time of my life. Never easy, with his traveling for shooting, and my game schedule, but it was good.

And then, eight months ago, I got pregnant. We had been trying for a few months, and we were overjoyed at the news. As hard as it was for me to temporarily step back from soccer, it was the right choice for our family. Tom's brothers were absolutely thrilled when they heard the news, and Harrison immediately went out and bought the smallest pair of football boots that we had ever seen. Most of my pregnancy had been in relative privacy, and this was my first real public outing after we had announced the news.

My dress fit me perfectly, showing off the bump well. Initially, I was uncomfortable in it. Losing my usually athletic body to this baby was a beautiful thing, but not always the most confidence inducing. Any trace of the abs that I once had were gone after the first trimester. However, the dress definitely grew on me, and with a little encouragement from Tom, I decided to wear it. Now, I was glad that I had.

Tom and I slowly walked down the carpet, obligingly posing for pictures when appropriate. He was constantly looking at me and grinning, and I could tell that this was all that he ever wanted. As for me, being in the flashing lights was a little intimidating, but there was no chance that I would miss this night for the world. On the other hand, Tom had been talking about it for month, so there weren't too many options. Something about showing off his wife that he had impregnated was very alluring to him. Based on the comments that he had made, this also probably wouldn't be the last time I showed up to a carpet looking a bit rounder than usual.

Finally, we entered the theater and took our seats. The movie began, and Tom faithfully whispered in my ear all of the stories behind the scenes that I could ever want to know. He made me laugh all night, and I knew there was no one who's side I would rather be at.

"Hey, Tom?" I whispered, trying not to bother the fans behind us.

"Yeah Noelle?"

"Thanks for being my best friend." I snuggled into his shoulder, feeling very secure.

"Hey babe? I'm pretty sure that best friends don't do this." He put a hand over my swollen belly, grinning at me.

"Well, I guess that mine can." I put my hand over his, leaning into his lips.

And we were both back where we belonged-- together.

The End.

Thank you all so much for reading this story. I am so thankful for you all, and hope that it brought you joy. Thanks for coming on the ride, and I hope to see you soon. 

For all you Star Wars fans, I've got another one coming :)


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