6 - Bloody Night

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     I rubbed my eyes again as my head fell forward. I was up all weekend trying to think of ways to save my life. Now it's Monday, basically everyone's least favorite day, and I have to go to school. I hope Garroth isn't quite as tired as I am, because I don't know if I will last the whole day. I decided it would be a good idea to get on the bus today instead of running. I waited outside as the bus slowly came down my road. It stopped in front of my house, and I hopped on. A familiar blonde head stuck out, so I walked over to his seat and sat down.
     "Hey Garroth" I yawned. Garroth looked up from his phone, and gasped.
     "(Y/n)! What happened?" Garroth asked.
     "Trying to," I yawned, "-save my life. Didn't get any sleep." I murmured.
     "Thats good and all, but you need to sleep!" Garroth exclaimed.
     "Hush Garroth, people are going to get suspicious." I whispered.
     "Sorry" Garroth whispered. I waved my hand, and rested my head on the seat in front of us. "Did you come up with any plans?" Garroth asked.
     "Other than turning myself in, committing suicide, or running to another town, no. Not any good or reasonable plans." I said. "Actually, I could fake a suicide, and they might think the problem would be gone. But if they catch me again, I'm screwed." I murmured. Garroth tapped his chin, and looked at me.
     "I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I really wish there was more I could do." Garroth said.
     "It's not you're fault, you're trying your best." I said. Garroth nodded, and the bus screeched to a halt. Kids slowly began to clamber off the bus, while I stayed back with Garroth. Everyone passed by, and Garroth and I slowly made our way off the bus. As I was walking to the school doors, one kid yelled fire. I ignored it, until something hit me straight in the eye. I stumbled forward, clutching my eye. Garroth grabbed my shoulders to help steady me.
     "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" A girl yelped. Someone ran over to my, and lifted my head. She wiped something away from my eye, and stared at my other eye, which was watering.
     "Why do you have red eyes?" She asked. I was a little startled from her sudden question, and stepped back. She changed her tone so quickly, it was a little surprising.
     "T-they're contact lenses. I had them specially colored." I lied. She nodded her head, and walked off.
     "Are you sure you're okay?" Garroth asked.
     "Yes, I'm sure. And even if I wasn't, my healing powers would heal it." I assured Garroth. Garroth hesitantly nodded, and let go of my shoulders. I continued to walk to the entrance of the school, ignoring my headache. My back felt like it was blistering, and sun-protective gear can only do so much. It helps keep you out of the sun, but it traps a ton of heat inside of it.
     "(Y/n), are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good." Garroth said. I shook my head, but suddenly began feeling light headed.
     "C-can we just sit down for a bit?" I asked. Garroth nodded, his eyes full of concern. I stumbled over to a bench, and sat down. My vision blurred, and then I couldn't see in one eye whatsoever. I blinked, but it didn't go away. I closed my other eye, and looked around. I couldn't see anything, it was all just black. I switched, closing my 'blind' eye and opening my other eye. I could see perfectly fine.
     "(Y/n), you look extremely pale, paler than normal. Are you sure you're okay?" Garroth asked.
     "I-I don't know" I stuttered, looking around.
     "What do you mean you don't know?" Garroth asked.
     "My head hurts, I feel light headed, I'm exhausted, but one of my eyes has gone blind." I said.
     "One of your eyes had gone blind?" Garroth yelped.
     "I don't know, but I can't see. It's my guess, but I hope it's temporary." I said. Garroth tapped his chin, and looked me straight in the eye.
     "Are you going feral?" Garroth asked.
     "I shouldn't be, I just ate a couple days ago." I replied. I gasped, my tired eyes widening.
     "Garroth, I have to go home. Right now." I whispered.
     "Why? School hasn't even started yet!" Garroth exclaimed.
     "Garroth please, come with me! I don't want this to be the cause of my death." I whimpered. Garroth's eyes widened at the mention of death. He nodded his head, and put my arm over his shoulder. Garroth helped me walk home, a few times picking me up and running. Once we reached my house, I quickly stepped inside. I bolted to my room, and threw off my hat and shoes. I slipped my gloves off as fast as I could while running into the bathroom. Garroth awkwardly stood in my room as I searched for what I needed. Finally, a huge packet in one of my drawers caught my attention. I grabbed it, as well as a syringe.
     I ran back out to my room, and hung the bag up the best I could. I searched for a vein, and poked the syringe through it. I hissed at the pain, but continued to attach all the pipes I needed. I leaned back on my bed, as beads of sweat dripped down my forehead.
     "What happened?" Garroth asked.
     "I guess the person I bit was infected with something. The illness transfered to me. I'm guessing he was poisoned." I said.
     "So you are basically poisoned" Garroth said.
     "Correct, but since it's my only food source, ill blood can get me really sick. I have packets of healthy blood just in case something like this happened." I said.
     "So you'll live?" Garroth asked.
     "If we made it back on time, I should. I just need to get enough healthy blood in me so I can heal." I said.
     "Your healing powers don't work?" Garroth asked.
     "If the blood I drink is not good, say its been poisoned, my powers don't work at all because they are fueled off of the blood I drink. If the blood is healthy, I'm healthy and my powers work. If the person is sick or their blood is infected, I'm at risk of getting sick and my powers don't work." I said. Garroth nodded his head before I settled down to sleep for the first time in two days.
     "Couldn't you drink those blood packets?" Garroth asked.
     "I'd rather save them for emergencies, like this, I also wouldn't have enough to live off of." I said. I curled back up, and fell asleep.

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