9 - Bloody Night

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     "There will be possible flooding, so get to higher ground." Garroth said. I heard shuffling, but I didn't have the will to wake up.
     "Grab what you can, we need to get upstairs." Vylad said.
     "(Y/n), wake up. Please, you need to get up!" Zane said, shaking me. My eyes fluttered open, and I was staring up at Zane. "Thank god you're up! There might he flooding, so we need you to help get things upstairs." Zane said.
     "Okay" I said, crawling away from the warmth of Zane and the blankets. Zane gathered up the pillows and blankets, and began to carry them upstairs. I made sure that every window was closed and locked, just to try and slow things down if water did start to come inside. I ran over to the pantry, and began grabbing food. We had grocery bags in the pantry, so I just began to shove things into the bags. There were lots of chips and things of that sort, but I made sure to grab some healthier snacks as well. I carried the bags up the stairs, and told Garroth and Vylad to grab some as well.
     I set the food inside my room, in the far corner, I hesitantly glanced out the window, and froze. The water was up to my neighbors porch, and rain was still pelting down. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so I glanced out. Garroth, Vylad, and Zane were coming up the stairs. "Someone pinch me. Please tell me this is just a nightmare," I pleaded, tears rolling down my face. All three of them looked away, as if they were afraid to tell that this was reality.
     I pinched my arm, and the stinging feeling confirmed my fear. This was reality. I began clawing and biting my hand, like I was only imagining it. Each and every time, it hurt. I collapsed to the floor, sobs wracking my body.
     "(Y/n), you're okay" Zane comforted. Garroth and Vylad went back downstairs to gather up more stuff, but Zane stayed and comforted me. Zane picked me up, and carried me over to the bathroom. "Where are the bandages?" Zane asked. I pointed at a drawer, and Zane opened it, pulling out a roll of bandages. Zane turned on the faucet, since the power was somehow back on, and began to wash my injured hand. I didn't allow it to heal because I knew that everybody would notice. I tensed up when Zane rubbed soap on my wound, but relaxed after he washed the soap out. Zane dried my hand off, and wrapped it up with the bandage. Zane picked me back up, and carried me back to my room. He set me down on my bed, and covered me with a blanket. Just as Zane was about to leave, I reached out and grabbed his hand.
     "W-will you stay with me?" I asked, a light pink dusting my cheeks.
     "Okay" Zane said, sitting down on my bed. I set my head on his thigh, and closed my eyes. The beating of rain was usually calming, but it was scary to hear right now. Zane began running his hands through my hair, and played around with it. It was nice, almost comforting in a way. I could hear Garroth and Vylad coming up and down the stairs.
     "Zane, (Y/n), water is staring to come in" Garroth said. I opened my eyes, and looked at the supplied we had. There was medical supplies up here, and we had enough food and drinks to last us for at least a few weeks.
     "I think we have enough to last us a while" I said. Garroth and Vylad came over to my bed, and sat down. "I wish that we didn't have to become friends like this" I said.
     "Well, a near death experience will surely bring us together!" Vylad exclaimed, trying to be positive.
     "I suppose" I mumbled. "I just feel bad that you can't be with your parents right now." I said.
     "If we weren't here, who would be here for you?" Garroth asked.
     "I guess thats a good point" I said, snuggling up to my 'pillow'.
     "We should get some sleep" Zane said.
     "I agree. The panicking and moving stuff was exhausting." Garroth said.
     "You two can stay in the guest rooms down the hall." I yawned. Garroth and Vylad nodded, and left to the guest rooms.
     "Where do you want me to stay?" Zane asked.
     "Here" I murmured. Zane shifted around, and laid down. I moved my head up a bit, and looked at Zane.
     "Good night, or whatever time it is." I said, closing my eyes.
     "Rest well" Zane said. Then, he did something unimaginable. He gave me a goodnight kiss. I buried my head in his chest, my cheeks a bright red. Zane slowly drifted off, and so did I. Getting stuck with the guys isn't so bad I guess.

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