10 - Bloody Night

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     Its been a few days now. Anytime the water seems to go down, it will begin pouring rain. I'm loosing hope that this will end soon. "(Y/n), what are you thinking about?" Garroth asked, walking into my room.
     "The water. We've been here for a few days now." I sighed.
     "(Y/n), this can't go on for forever." Garroth said.
     "I know, but it seems like it will" I mumbled.
     "Here, you need to eat" Garroth said, holding out his arm. Zane and Vylad were still sleeping, so I wasn't worried. Zane had passed out while having a late night chat with Vylad, so they were sleeping together.
     I drank a little of Garroth's blood, and sat back. "Thanks, I needed that." I said.
     "No problem" Garroth smiled. "I'll go get the boys, you ration food?" Garroth questioned.
     "Sure" I said, scooting towards the food. I grabbed three small chip bags, and set them on my desk. A few moments later, Garroth came back into my room. I quickly handed him a bag of chips, then crawled back over to my bed. I didn't have the energy to climb onto my bed. Zane and Vylad came into my room.
     "What's wrong (Y/n)?" Zane asked.
     "I'm tired" I mumbled.
     "But all we've really been doing since the flood is sleeping." Zane stated.
     "Still" I mumbled. A few moments later, I mumbled some incoherent words. I'm not even quite sure what they were.
     "What?" Vylad asked.
     "I don't know" I said. Zane picked me up, and set me on my bed. Zane put a hand to my forehead, and jerked it away.
     "You're burning up!" Zane exclaimed.
     "I'm not outside, am I?" I asked.
     "No, your inside" Zane said.
     "Then how am I burning?" I asked.
     "She's delusional" Vylad muttered. I was about to say something before erupting into a fit of coughing. I snuggled up into my pillow, and closed my eyes. I could hear a phone ringing, but I wasn't paying attention.

     "Hello?" Garroth asked. He probably answered the phone. "Yes, she's here" Garroth said. "No, she's fine, just has a fever" Garroth said. "Makes sense" Garroth stated. "Well, I'll make sure to tell her," Garroth paused, "-alright, talk to you later. Bye."
     "Who was that?" Vylad asked.
     "(Y/n)'s mom. She just got power there and wanted to check in." Garroth said.
     "We should call our parents" Vylad said.

     Zane was comforting me by stroking my hair. I had just curled up, my head on his knee. I was on the verge of sleep, and Zane's quiet humming was only lulling my further into sleep. The last thing I heard was the beeping from a phone.

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