5 - Bloody Night

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     Finally, school was over. Nothing interesting happened besides first hour with the whole instrument-weapon fiasco. I'm beginning to get hungry, but I can't hunt just yet. Last time I went hunting, I almost got caught, and it was all over the news the next day. I can't let that happen again. But if I wait too long, I might go feral, and I most definitely will be caught.
     "Hey (Y/n), sorry for the short notice, but do you want to hangout? My mother thinks you have character and wants me to invite you over more." Garroth said.
     "O-oh yeah! My parents should be fine with it." I said, pulling out my phone.

     "Hey Mom, can I go over to Garroth's house? I'll still have time to finish my homework when I get back."
     "I suppose. I'm glad you're making friends." Mom replied.
     "Thanks, and me too"

     I followed Garroth to his house, nervously tapping my leg. "Are you nervous or something?" Garroth asked.
     "Yeah, a little. I know parents can get really absorbed in their questions. Once, after my best friend found out about my skin condition, she freaked out and refused to talk to me." I said. "Her parents never liked me from the beginning, so they were glad to see me leave."
     "You have a skin condition?" Garroth asked.
     "In a way, yes. It's mainly a lie I tell to cover up for my vampiric protection. But yeah, it's basically me being allergic to the sun." I said. Garroth nodded his head.
     Garroth opened the door for me, and I slipped off my shoes. I set them neatly up against the wall, and followed Garroth into the living room. I sat down in a chair, and brushed my hair out of my eyes. I slowly began to slip off my protective gear, and set it onto the floor next to me.
     "Oh! You must be (Y/n)! It's so nice to meet you!" Garroth's mom exclaimed.
     "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Ro'meave." I said, nodding my head.
     "Just call me Zianna!" She exclaimed. She sure was a ball of energy, she kind of reminds me of Aphmau. "So, what's all that stuff by your feet?" Zianna asked.
     "Oh, I have a skin condition. I'm basically allergic to the sun." I said.
     "Oh you poor thing! That must be terrible!" Zianna exclaimed.
     "Well, it can get in the way sometimes, but I manage." I said.
     "Well, I don't want to take up Gar Gar's time with you, so I'll leave you two alone now." Zianna said, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. Garroth turned on his Xbox, and put in the disc for CoD.
     "Do you know how to play?" Garroth asked.
     "What do you think I do in my room all day? Twirl in circles and twiddle my thumbs?" I asked. Garroth shrugged, and handed me a controller. I grabbed it, and turned towards the screen. I intently watched the screen as I crept around, looking for Garroth. I aimed, and fired. "Headshot" I smirked.
     "No fair!" Garroth exclaimed.
     "Oh I'm sorry you were standing there, waiting to be shot!" I defended. Garroth and I played for a few more hours, Zane occasionally coming downstairs to yell at us to shut up.
     "I better go home now" I said, looking out the window. I gathered up my stuff, and shoved it into my backpack. I waved goodbye, and headed out the front door. I flew up, and contemplated whether I should hunt. I headed towards an alley, and searched for people. I found somebody alone, so I flew down to them.
     "This might hurt a little bit" I whispered. I bit their neck, and stepped away. Their body fell to the floor, and I wiped my mouth. I pulled my hood over my face, and was about to fly away when my worst nightmare became a reality.
     "Hey! Stop right there!" A girl yelled. I climbed on top of a building, and began running. I jumped from building to building, trying to escape this girl. "Stop! We just want to talk!" She yelled. I stopped, and turned to face her.
     "Thank you" She panted. "What's your name?" Aphmau asked.
     "That's classified" I said.
     "That's a strange name" Travis said. Everyone looked at him weird, and he looked puzzled. "What?" Travis asked.
     "Why did you kill that person?" Aphmau asked, shaking her head at Travis.
     "I didn't kill them, they'll be up in a little bit." I said.
     "Why did you hurt them? Thats a crime!" Aphmau asked.
     "Is starvation okay? Is starvation a better way to die that a simple wound that will heal?" I asked, venom lacing my voice.
     "No! That isn't okay either!" Aphmau exclaimed.
     "Then what I did was justified" I said, turning on my heel.
     "You're a cannibal?" Aphmau asked.
     "Aphmau, you're close, but not quite right." I said.
     "H-how do you know my name?" Aphmau stuttered.
     "I know all of your names." I said.
     "Now thats just creepy" Laurence said.
     "As creepy as it is, it's the truth Laurence." I said.
     "This is just a nightmare, I'm going to wake up in my nice warm bed, and none of this ever happened!" Aphmau whimpered.
     "Think whatever you want, but I'm real. I'm real as the ground you stand on." I said. Everyone began backing away from me, fear written across their faces. Aphmau was the first to turn and run. Everybody else followed her lead, and ran. I turned back around, and walked the rest of the way home.
     I climbed in through my bedroom window, and settled down. I got caught by my friends, and if Aphmau tells a police officer, I'm dead meat. They'll know something is up because this has happened before. They'll station officers around town, and I'll die of starvation. I have to tell Garroth on Monday, or maybe I'll text him. This is pretty urgent after all.
     "Hey Garroth, I have something urgent to talk about" I texted.
     "Urgent? What is it?" Garroth asked.
     "Well, I went out hunting tonight, but Aphmau saw me. She doesn't know it was me, but if she tells the police, I'm doomed. They'll station people around town, and I'll starve to death." I said.
     "Thats horrible! Was anybody else there?" Garroth asked.
     "Other that Aphmau, there was Travis, Laurence, Dante, and KC" I said.
     "This is bad, this is really bad" Garroth said.
     "No kidding. I'm scared that Aphmau, KC, Laurence, anybody really, will tell the police. We have to convince them otherwise, without telling them about me being a vampire, or without telling them that the 'cannibal' was me." I said.
     "Start brainstorming, we'll talk more tomorrow." Garroth said.
     "Yeah, okay" I said.

     Brainstorm, yeah, sure. I have absolutely no ideas, and my life is on the line. I paced around the room, my footsteps quietly echoing around my room. I have insomnia, so this is a normal thing for me. My parents won't question it if I accidentally wake them up. Focus (Y/n), focus. You can do this, you will survive.

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