12 - Dark Secrets

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     "Hey (Y/n), Garroth said that you wanted to tell us something." Aphmau said.

     "Huh?" I asked, utterly surprised.

     "He said it was something personal" Travis said.

     "Sorry I'm late!" Garroth yelled., bursting into his basement.

     "So what's going on?" I asked, getting defensive.

     "You know what's up" Garroth said. My eyes widened, and I shrank back.

     "Garroth, it seems like this is against her will. Maybe she shouldn't be forced into saying anything." Aphmau said, fear evident in her eyes.

     "So this is your plan to save my life? You're just like everyone else!" I barked, baring my teeth.

     "So you'd rather be in jail for murder? Be my guest! I can call the cops right now!" Garroth spat.

     "Murder!" Katelyn yelped.

     "Murder my ass! I didn't kill anybody!" I seethed.

     "Four years ago" Garroth growled.

     "That wasn't my fault! I had no control, and I was going to die!" I yelled, my red eyes shining bright.

     "Okay, somebody explain!" Katelyn yelled.

     "She should be the one to say something, since it's her problem." Garroth said, waving his finger in front of my face. I growled, and went to bite his finger.

     "(Y/n), chill!" Vylad yelped, pulling me back.

     "You know, maybe prison would be better!" I yelled. "At least they would be more understanding about my case!"

     "We are your friends, it's the best support that you'll get!" Garroth argued.

     "Fine, fine! Whatever! I'll just go stake myself after this!" I yelled.

     "Don't you dare try and avoid this by death!" Garroth spat.

     "Try and stop me" I growled, narrowing my eyes. "Alrighty everybody, before I go and commit murder, or kill myself, or turn to ashes, or whatever I decide to do, I'll tell you my life-long secret."

     The group inched closer, though they still seemed scared.

     "I'm a vampire" I said.

     "Good joke! Now what's your real secret?" Laurence chuckled.

     "Why would I joke about this?" I asked, shifting my weight.

     "I'm in denial. Prove it" Katelyn said. I sighed, before turning into a bat.

     "I can do so many other things to prove this. My least favorite would be burning, but it would probably confirm everything." I said, shifting back into my human form. I cracked my back, earning a satisfying crack in response.

     "S-so, why haven't you killed all of us?" Aphmau asked.

     "Look, I'm a vampire, not a blood thirsty killer." I said. "That one night just looked bad."

     "One night?" Aphmau asked.

     "Remember cannibal?" I asked. Aphmau suddenly shrieked, and scrambled away from me.

     "T-that was you?" Aphmau yelped, her eyes widening in fear.

     "Yeah, it was. The guy passed out, but I made sure to check back later. He woke up in a daze, but went home afterwards." I replied, sitting on the floor.

     "What's the huge deal?" Zane asked. "She's still (Y/n)"

     "Huh?" Katelyn asked.

     "I mean, sure, she's a vampire. Not much else changes. She drinks blood, and has super cool powers, and some different anatomy. She still acts like any sane human." Zane said.

     "Thank you Zane, but I'm obviously unwanted here in the group. I'll take my leave now." I said, grabbing my stuff and walking upstairs. It didn't take long for me to get out of the Ro'meave house, and it only took a few minutes for me to get home.

     'Dear Mom and Dad,

          I'm sorry to say this, but I must leave. I know that you guys never believed me before, but I'll say it once again. I'm not human. I'm a vampire. It's up to you to believe or stay in denial. I must get going soon, since I'm unwanted. It would probably be best if a 'blood-thirsty killer' wasn't in the town. Not like my disappearance would make a huge difference.

     Just know that I love you, and I'll miss you.


               (Y/n) (L/n)'

     I quickly wrote the note before setting it on the table and grabbing a few essentials. Just my pocket knife, guitar, spare clothes, blood packs, and a bag. I stuffed everything in my bag, and hopped out my window. Flying to a nearby forest, I made my new residence in a large oak tree. A new home where I wouldn't be judged. It felt nice to say that. Finally, I'm free.


Sorry for not updating for a while! I'm in a way kinda sick(?), so that's a thing. Also, the book is coming to an end soon. I'm sad to say, but all good things must come to an end.


Dark Secret - Zane x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now