13 - Dark Secrets

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Zane's POV

     "Where'd she go?" I muttered to himself. I had just come home from school, and was questioning her whereabouts. Its been a few days since she had said that she was a vampire. Ever since then, it seems like she disappeared off the face of the Earth. She doesn't respond to texts or calls, and doesn't update any social media. Nobody's seen her anywhere, not even in nearby cities. It's almost like she was kidnapped or something.

     "I just need to go out and think" I sighed. I grabbed my phone, and headed out. I don't have a plan in mind, I'm just going to walk around. "Zane, where are you going?" Garroth asked. I didn't answer, I just slammed the door. He's the reason that she's gone.

     My feet led me to a forest. I'm not sure why, but I just ended up walking here. There's no houses around, just a road. I walked into the forest, and trudged around. There wasn't much to see, so I don't know why I ended up walking here. "Hmm" someone hummed. They strummed a guitar or something. I followed the noise, and ended up under a tree. I looked up, and saw exactly who I was looking for.

     "(Y/n)!" I exclaimed, staring at the girl.

     "Oh, hey Zane" (Y/n) said, hopping out of the tree. "What're you doing here?"

     "I've been looking for you since you disappeared! Is this where you've been?" I asked.

     "Yeah, I've been here for a while now" (Y/n) said.

     "You basically disappeared off the face of the Earth! What even happened?" I asked.

     "People don't exact accept vampires. They never have. The only people that I've ever told have tried to kill me, or capture me so they can sell me." (Y/n) said. "So I left my phone at home so I couldn't be tracked. I came here since basically nobody comes here or lives around here."

     "Why did you leave?" I asked. "We could have worked things out!"

     "I know, but I was afraid. You saw their terrified expressions Zane. They won't ever look at me the same. They don't want to be my friends anymore." (Y/n) said, a few tears rolling down her face.

     "Some of us still care! I care, (Y/n)! Even if they don't care, they're still worried about you." I said.

     "That's a nice thought" (Y/n) said, smiling a little. "But after I go back, things will die down, and people will go back to hating me."

     "(Y/n), don't say that, please! I beg you!" I said. It felt weird to actually beg someone for something. (Y/n) looked rather surprised.

     "Look Zane. I can't go back. Someone will say, 'That's the blood-thirsty killer! She's a vampire!', and then the cops will arrest me. Zane, there's not good outcome of the situation." (Y/n) said.

     "How long have you though about it like that?" I asked.

     "I was thinking like that the moment I figured out that I was a vampire. If anyone figured it out, my life would be in danger." (Y/n) said.

     "T-then can we at least meet up here?" I asked.

     "I don't see why not. I can't really stop you from coming, so I don't see the point of arguing." (Y/n) said.

     "Thank you. It's nice to see you again." I said.

      "Nice to see you again too" (Y/n) said. "We've become really close friends since the flood, haven't we?"

     "Yeah, I suppose we did" I said.

     Everyday, I went and visited (Y/n). It became a ritual to do after school. Nobody's found out, though people do get suspicious of me sneaking off all the time. It doesn't matter, because I get to see the best girl in the world again, and that's all that matters.

Dark Secret - Zane x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now