1 - Bloody Night

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     I stepped over the limp body, wiping my mouth. I peered around the corner, and ran. I ran until I saw the familiar grey house, the one with a missing shingle. I flew up, and searched for the window that was cracked open. As soon as I found it, I pulled it open a bit more, and crawled into the dark room.
      I settled down on my bed, but I didn't quite go to sleep. I laid there, my eyes open and alert. I'm concerned for tomorrow- well, it would be today as of now, but that isn't my point. I'm concerned because I start school tomorrow. What are people going to think of my weird outfits to protect me from the sun? Or my elf-like ears. Or my fangs? I'm lucky enough that I can hide my eye color. While these thoughts haunted me, I drifted off into an unknown land.

     I opened my eyes, and hissed at the burning light. I forgot to close my blinds. "Rise and shine my darling!" My mom sang. Oh, never mind. It was just a flashlight.
     I stood up, and shoved my mom out of my room. I stripped down, and pulled on the school uniform. I made sure to wear tights, gloves, and my snapback. I walked downstairs, and ate the cereal my mom had set on the table for me. I wasn't hungry because of my hunt last night, but I can't let my mom get suspicious.
     I waved goodbye, and began to run to school. The sun was beginning to rise, and I was running out of time.
     I made it just in time. I practically flew inside the school, on my hands and knees, panting. I was out of breath, not out of shape. That was the fastest I've ever run, going human speed of course. The bell rang, and other people started flooding inside. I stepped off to the side, and thee kids ran around, shouting and waving pieces of paper around.
     I saw another girl looking around, just as confused as I was. "U-uh, hi miss! I'm (Y/n), and you are...?" I asked.
     "I-I'm Aphmau!" She exclaimed. This shorty seemed to have a ton of energy. She seemed to be admiring something about me.
     "Aphmau, what a unique name" I said, thinking aloud.
     "I get that a lot. And a quick question, are those fangs?" Aphmau replied.
     "I-er, well you see - I uh" I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck. Well this was awkward. "Y-you know what, I still haven't gotten my schedule! I should probably go do that!" I exclaimed, slowly inching my way towards the decreasing line. Aphmau raised her eyebrow, but didn't question me any further.
     "Name" he said, rolling his eyes.
     "(Y/n) (L/n)" I said, tapping my foot. I took the slip of paper, and read it over.

     'Arrival: Homeroom
     Period one: Music
     Period two: Magicks
     Period three: Science
     Period four: Math
     Period five: Geography
     Period six: ELA'

     Fair enough. At least I didn't get put into any wrong classes. I heard thats happened a lot lately. Earlier, Aphmau came yelling to me about how she was put in Werewolf 101, but she wasn't a werewolf. I don't understand how this had happened multiple times, but we must have a really crappy principle or something.
     I walked down the hall, and over to my homeroom. Somehow, I managed to find it pretty easily. I overheard someone talking, and listened in on their conversation as I sat down at an empty desk.
     "Seriously! My baby brother is a literal vampire!" A blonde guy exclaimed. Wait, there were other vampires at this school? I heard that this was a mix, but the majority was human and werewolf. I though I would be the only vampire! "Oh, baby brother! Come here!" The blonde guy called.
     A pale guy with baby blue eyes and raven hair grumbled, and walk over to him. "What do you want?" He grumbled. H-his voice... Haha! It was so high pitched!
     Blondie motioned at the seat next to him, which also happened to be me. Some sunlight fluttered through the windows, but I was safe.
     "Hello, I'm (Y/n), and you are...?" I asked. Man, I have a feeling that I might say that a lot today. 
     "Zane" he grumbled. Was he always this grumpy, or was it because school started again?
     "Don't mind him," Blondie said, "By the way, I'm Garroth." Blondie said.
     "Nice to meet you Garroth, I'm (y/n), but you probably already heard that." I said. Garroth nodded, and turned back to his other friend.
     "I'm not a vampire!" Zane spat at Garroth as he made another comment about Zane's appearance. Part of me wanted to cry. So I'm still the only vampire here, great.
     "Sure you aren't. Oh, (y/n), if it's okay with your parents, would you like to come over?" Garroth asked.
     "I don't see why not" I said, cheering up a little. Well, I guess I won't be lonely, even if my only friends are human.

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