8 - Bloody Night

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     The sun was beginning to set, and we had just finished watching (f/movie).  As soon as the credits rolled, the lights flickered. "Hmm" I hummed.
     "We should probably head home" Garroth said.
     "Yeah, I guess you should" I sighed, a little disappointed. I didn't want my friends to leave. It seemed like they only got here an hour ago.
     "Well, bye (y/n)" Vylad said. As soon as he said that, a large crack of lightning illuminated the sky, and rain began to pour down.
     "You know what, you guys should stay here. I'd feel horrible to send you guys home in this weather!" I exclaimed.
     "I-if it's alright with you and your parents." Vylad said.
     "I'm sure my parents won't mind! They're glad that I'm making friends, and they love company!" I smiled. Another crack of lightning and the booming of thunder echoed around. Within moments, the lights were out. My eyes almost immediately adjusted, but everybody else seemed confused.
     "Here, I'll lead you back to the couch." I said, walking over to them. They had gotten up to get their stuff, which now wasn't really necessary. I began to grab hands, each belonging to a different person, and used my foot to guide me.
     "Just sit on the ground until I get back. I'm going to get flashlights, food, and drinks. Anything else?" I asked.
     "Blankets and pillows. We might be here all night." Zane said. I nodded my head, even though they couldn't see.
     "Well, I'll be back soon. Holler if you need me." I said, walking upstairs to grab my pillows and blankets. I grabbed a few fluffy pillows and large blankets to share. I tossed them down the stairs before grabbing a few flashlights from upstairs. I clicked one on, and headed over to the boys.
     "Here, I'm still getting some stuff, but it might be nice for you guys to see." I said, handing the flashlights out. Each of them clicked their flashlights on, and I headed back to collect the blankets and pillows that I threw onto the floor. I dragged them over to the TV, and set them down. "Choose whatever you want" I said, pointing at the pillows. I assume that they went to get what they wanted. I went to the kitchen, and began grabbing frozen foods. I also brought bowls and spoons for the ice cream, and a few bags of chips.
     "Does anyone want Gatorade?" I asked, setting the food down.
     "Me!" Garroth and Vylad exclaimed.
     "Sure" Zane said. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed some Gatorade.
     "Here" I said, setting the drinks down. I heard thunder, and shuddered a little. Zane must have noticed, because he scoffed at me.
     "What's wrong are you scared of thunder and lightning?" Zane asked.
     "A little. As long as the lightning isn't near me, I'm fine, but thunder just scares me a little. It's really loud and-" I started, before being interuppted by a large boom of thunder.
     I let out a yelp, and curled into a ball. "-I also have really bad experiences with both thunder and lightning." I finished, shuddering at each strike of light. Something grabbed me, so I looked at my shoulder. A pale hand was resting on my shoulder, which lead over to Zane.
     Zane awkwardly patted the ground next to him, so I obliged, and sat next to him. Zane wrapped par of the blanket around me, and I relaxed a little.
     "So, what should we do now?" I asked, letting out a small yawn.
     "I think you should get some sleep" Garroth pointed out. "You haven't slept well in days!" Garroth exclaimed.
     "So?" I asked.
     "Every time I see you, you always look exhausted. At one point, you almost passed out!" Garroth exclaimed.
     "Okay, okay, I get it. I should start caring for myself." I said.
     "You haven't been taking care of yourself?" Zane asked.
     "Um, no, not really. I've had a lot of stuff to think about, so I haven't gotten too much sleep. I've also been really stressed, so I haven't been eating as much as I should." I admitted.
     "Get some sleep" Zane said, shoving my head onto his shoulder. My eyes slowly fluttered shut, but I wasn't quite asleep.
     "I'm worried about her" Garroth said.
     "I just met her, but yeah, she looks exhausted." Zane said, his thumb tracing my eye bags. Zane also poked my ribs, which were jutting out. You could see the outline through my shirt.
     "I didn't think you actually cared for her," Garroth said, "you don't really care about anybody."
     "Just because I don't show how I feel, it doesn't mean that I don't feel." Zane said. I shivered a little, so something, I assume Zane, picked me up and set me on his lap.
     "She's so light" Zane murmured. Zane wrapped the blanket tighter, making sure that the blanket was loose around his chest so I could breathe just fine.
     Within moments, I finally drifted off into the land of sleep.

I am so sorry that this took so long! I got really caught up in things, and I'm working on new stories and story ideas. I'm going to try and post a bit more, so stay tuned!

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