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I woke up gasping for air. I could feel pressure in my chest, fear. I was almost to the point of convulsing on the hard metal table. I had wires hooked up everywhere to me. Mainly on my head yet also on my stomach and legs. I started ripping them off my body as quickly as possible. I didn't wait to see if there was anyone in the room watching me, I just began clawing. As soon as I ripped off the first adhesive from my forehead an alarm sounded.

"OF COURSE!" I screamed at myself. I was so disoriented. Now my cover was blown, they knew what I was doing so I wasn't trying to stay quiet. It took me longer than expected trying to pull off all of those dumb wires. By the end I was grabbing handfuls of them and yanking them from anywhere they came from, even out of the beeping contraption next to me. I swung my legs over the table, attempting to leave. I was still woozy from being knocked out. I hit the floor face first causing my nose to bleed. I heard the metal door swing open. Shouts and multiple footsteps pounded into the small lab. I stayed put right where I was. I was hunched over on the other side of the metal table so they couldn't as they trampled in.

"Where did she go?!" The voice belonged to a frantic Ava Paige. She rushed around to see me laying on the floor with blood dripping down my face. She gasped at the sight of me. I must have looked horrible. That's when the two other people that followed her came into view. Another average-looking uptight lady. The last pair of feet rushed in to tower over Ava to look over her shoulder. His eyes were sunken and his eyebrows netted together in worry or fear.

"Gally?!" I breathed out, my voice cracking from screaming. I sounded pitiful. Gally rushed forward past Ava.

"What happened?" He asked as he scooped me up into his arms. His eyes were filled with anger and concern.

"I..I.. someone came in here and did all of this." I lied. His face turned white as a sheet.

"What did she say?" Ava sounded rushed, trying to find the answer. Gally turned around to face the frantic woman.

"She said someone came in here and did all of this," Gally said slowly. Ava Paige looked at me and back to her sidekick next to her.

"Go get her cleaned up!" She practically screamed. I was surprised she let me leave that easily.

"I'm getting blood all over your shirt," I whispered to Gally as we walked out of the lab door.

"Shh, don't worry about it." He replied as he carried me out.

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