Chapter One

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"Never give up," he says. "Never let them win." Then he disappears.

"No!" I scream myself awake. This happens almost every night. I don't know who the man is or what he's trying to tell me, but I feel like it's important-like he's important.

The man pulls at me, in a way no one else ever has. I don't know what to do. I think I might be gay, but that's impossible! I don't even know if the guy is real. But I can't help feeling something every time I see his face. It's always so clear so it can't be a dream, right?

In the middle of the night, I hear something. It comes from my parents' room. When I walk in, I see two figures standing over my parents. My mother turns her head, her eyes glassy with pain, and meets my gaze.

"Run Jaxon!" she screams. The figures turns towards me. I spin around to run, but I trip on something.

I smack my head on the nightstand on the way down. My vision blurs and my ears are ringing. I try to get up, but my head is fuzzy. Someone pulls my legs. Two hooded figures appear in my field of vision. That might just be my vision doubling, I'm not sure.

But I can clearly see the knife in the figure's hand. I try to crawl away, but I'm held down. I'm totally at this killer's mercy. I hate it, the thought of leaving my fate in this stranger's hands. I'm simply too helpless to avoid the weapon.

My side screams in agony. I think my throat does too, but the pain overwhelms all of my senses. My body convulses, trying to escape the pain. When my vision finally clears, I see a third figure fighting the first two. I feel as if I know the new figure, the stance is familiar.

The new person kills one of the hooded people, then leaps on the other. I get up, seeing my chance to escape. As I get to the doorway, I hear shifting behind me. I start moving faster.

"Jaxon...." I freeze. I know that voice. It's the guy from my dream. I slowly spin around. My mouth gapes open.

"Do you remember me?" he asks.

"Not really. I just....well....I've dreamt about you."

He raises his eyebrows. "Is that so?"

I try not to blush. "I guess it was a memory."

"About what?" I tell him, omitting my feelings about it. A wave of dizziness hits me, making me stumble. He catches me in his warm, strong arms.

"I don't even remember your name," I whisper.

"It's Devon. Now, let's get you fixed up." He wraps my right arm behind his head, wraps his left arm around my waist, and helps me outside.

"Where are we going?" I spit through gritted teeth. The pain is excruciating. We stumble for what feels like forever to a small car. He opens the back door and dumps me on the seat. Then he climbs in the driver's seat and takes off.

I'm going in and out of consciousness. The squealing of the tires hurts my head. The jerking of the car hurts my wound. My blood is warm on my hands. I can feel myself dying.

"Oh no, you don't! Stay with me, Jaxon!" Devon yells. His voice yanks me back. "Stay awake, you hear me?!"

'As long as you keep talking in your sexy voice,' I think. I do manage to stay awake and, after a while of driving, we stop. Someone, I assume it's a nurse as she's wearing scrubs, opens the door and puts me in a wheelchair. She wheels me inside a building that can't possibly be a hospital.

"How long ago was he injured?" the nurse asks.

"About thirty minutes ago." She pushes me into a room and helps me onto the bed. "How bad is it?"

"Won't know until I open it up."

"Until you what?" I yelp.

She pats my shoulder. "Don't worry, Jaxon."

"Don't worry?! Are you crazy?! You can't be...." She stabs me with a needle.

"Why did you do that?" Devon wonders. Everything begins to fade.

"He was freaking out. Besides, he needs to be under for this procedure."

"I know, but...."

"Devon, they'll own him if we don't...." Everything fades to black.

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