Chapter Three

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I'm finally healed and I've restarted my training. Julia finally caves and tells me the ministry assassin's knife had a poison in it. That's why she opened my wound. She had to drain the poison out before giving me blood. This information only makes my resolve that much greater.

It's hard relearning everything. My tutors are the same ones that taught me before. They try to give me a break, I know it, but they get frustrated when I don't learn something quickly. The worst part is undercover ops. I'm a terrible liar, but I'll need to get better.

I have to admit, I've been avoiding Devon. I'm such a coward. I'm just too stressed to deal with the way I feel around him. Every time I see him in the halls, I duck into a random room until he's gone. I've been so tired recently that I can barely function, especially with the constant headache I've had.

As I'm walking back to my room after lessons, I groan as I realize I have an appointment in the gym. My 'physical arts' tutor told me to go to the gym every day for at least thirty minutes.

I throw on some sweatpants and a gray T-shirt. I work out for twenty minutes and decide to take a water break. As I turn to grab my bottle, I find Devon standing there with it in his hand. I jump back, startled and unnerved.

"Have you been avoiding me?" he questions, leaning casually on the wall.

"No. I've just been busy."

"Your lying is improving."

"May I please have my water?" I hold out my hand, but stay only just in his reach.

He cocks his head. "Come and get it."

I blush at the challenge, but step forward. I grab it. "Thanks." I start gulping. I gasp when Devon suddenly grabs my wrist and yanks me towards him. My water hits the ground, spilling out, as he pins me to the wall with a hand on either side of my head.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he whispers.

Our faces are inches apart. "I-I...uh..."

"Where are those lying skills now?"

"Look, I really need to..."

"To what, Jaxon?" he interrupts. "Why don't you say my name?"

"What?" I can't think with him so close to me.

"You never say my name."

"I do." That's when I realize, I don't.

"No, you don't. Say my name."


He leans forward. "Again."

"Devon." He's so close now. "Listen, I really..."

"Just shut up and kiss me." And Devon does just that. His lips are soft, yet firm. The kiss starts out gentle, but we soon lose control of it. I do what I've been imagining my whole life, I run my fingers through Devon's hair. It's silky soft and I love how it curls just at the nape of his neck. I love how it's a dark chocolate brown.

All thoughts, including those about Devon not being gay, scatter. All I can think about are his lips on mine and my fingers in his hair. It's like floating in heaven. I'm even a little lightheaded.

That's when I realize something's wrong. I pull away, my body swaying. It's hard to breathe. Devon looks confused.

"Devon," I gasp as my legs crumble under me. He catches me, one arm behind my shoulders. I clutch his shirt in my fist.

"Help!" Devon yells. "We need some help in here!"

I clutch his shirt tighter as I grimace. "It...hurts, Devon."

"I know, Jax. Just hang on."


"I don't know." Footsteps approach. "Go get Julia. Now!" The feet rush off.

"D-Dev..." I can't manage any more.

"Breathe, Jax. Slowly."

"I...can't." Tears begin falling down my face. "I'm...dying."

"No! You're not! Don't think like that!"

" sister...please. You're...the I trust."

Devon shakes me. "You'll be able go find her yourself. Don't you dare quit on me!"

"Promise'll never stop...looking for her...promise..."

"Fine. I promise. But you'll be there with me. You'll be all right."

"So much optimism...from you...I blessed." He smiles. I start coughing and only when I see Devon's face do I realize I'm coughing up blood.

"No, no. Stay with me, Jaxon!" Everything sounds muffled now.

"Jaxon!" Julia yells, coming into my dwindling field of vision. "You have to stay awake!" I cough, more blood flying out. "His body is shutting down! The poison is...we need to..." Finally, the darkness takes me.

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